Nimue had to bite back a smile at his little flail when she appeared. Apparently that wasn't a spell he had taught anyone, yet. He looked absolutely panicked when the waitress said she would give them a few minutes, and she half expected him to shout 'No more minutes!' and invite her to sit with them.
"Hello," she replied, offering a strained smile. She was wound tightly too, but was not particularly nervous or short of words. There was much that needed to be said. "Merlin, I think I am the Nimueh you knew." Quickly, she added, "not that I've done any of those things. Maybe I would have, in a different life. If I was pressed into a corner, I might." She shook her head. That wasn't exactly the track she meant to go down. "What I mean is.. You are my Merlin. I couldn't have pulled myself to you with that spell if you weren't. But none of this lines up. I think we're..." This was going to sound very strange, and she wasn't sure if she believed it. But the website had laid it out clearly, and she had certainly seen plenty of unbelievable things already. "I think we are from different worlds. Worlds where there is a Camelot, and a Merlin, an Arthur, a Nimue, a Lancelot.. But things happened differently."