Até: Ruin, Infatuation, Obsession, & Love's Folly (banishedruin) wrote in utr_logs,
She waited until he was sitting, then moved over to him, kneeling on the bench of the booth, straddling his thighs. Hands reached to cup his palms, and she just looked at him for a moment, before sighing.
"I'm sorry you mistook my words. Or rather, the intentions behind my words. I had no intention of Crowley thinking I was up for anything you'd find upsetting. I told him so in private messages. I told him I was spoken for. In truth, I'm so used to brushing people off the double entendres didn't even really sink in. But that shouldn't matter. You know me, Momos. I want you to know... to really know... I'd never hurt you like that. And if I flirt with someone? It's only for the joy of shooting them down. That has nothing to do with a sense of fidelity... you're the only person I'm interested that way. I don't want you to be the guy who's getting pissed if I talk to other men. I don't want to be the chick getting all in your face for looking at other women. I can't promise I won't be? But that's not who I want to be. But believe me. I will never hurt you like that. And I think we should set boundaries. Because you? You suck at fighting. And now I feel awful."