Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 24th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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February 24th, 2012

[Feb. 24th, 2012|12:14 am]


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WHO: Zim and Pinkie Pie. And others if she brings them along.
WHAT: Pinkie comes to fish Zim out of the destruction of a lab.
WHERE: Somewhere in Ireland...
WHEN: February 23rd
WARNINGS: Swearing and..malice? And..I don't know.

Please, for the love of the Almighty Tallests..don't let Pinkie Pie be stupid. )
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[Feb. 24th, 2012|10:33 pm]
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WHO: Ezio & Dani, with occasional interjections from Bela and Dean
WHAT: Moving Dani out
WHERE: Dani's flat, to begin with
WARNINGS: Probably later on!

What do you have in here? )
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