Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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September 22nd, 2011

[Sep. 22nd, 2011|12:46 am]


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Who: BB LeBeau, Neal Caffrey, Dani Winchester, Ezio Auditore, and a teeny bit of Peter Burke.
What: Double date.
When: Wednesday night.
Where: Brendann Brennan's restaurant in London.
Warnings: PG-13ish.

( Silly adorable couples here. )
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[Sep. 22nd, 2011|10:55 pm]


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Who: Sadako Yamamura and Neal Caffrey.
What: Fixing what's broken.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: Neal's mansion.
Warnings: Not really!

Fixing you up. )
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