Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 10th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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February 10th, 2011

[Feb. 10th, 2011|08:17 pm]


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Who: Pheobe and Ferb
What: Ferb comes to visit
When: Nowish
Where: Massachusetts
Warnings: Nah...probably not.

Pheobe knew she didn't have much time to clean before Ferb came over and normally, she wouldn't have even bothered, but seeing as this was the first time he was seeing her dorm room...the floor should probably be visible. Not that it was ever visible back home; there were too many other things to do. Like building a haunted house or organizing a chariot race through town.

But anyway...one absent roommate, one made bed, and one clothes pile shoved into the closet later, she was ready
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