Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 9th, 2010

[Aug. 9th, 2010|07:10 am]



Who: Calliope Sedant and some poor idiot that gets in her way. (I'M PLAYIN' WITH MYSELF.)
What: She's working through feelings the only way she knows how.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: An alley, her flat.
Warnings: Gore, torture, swearing.

(Don't you ever bring yourself to grief.)
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[Aug. 9th, 2010|07:19 pm]


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WHO: Catherine and Calliope
WHAT: God only knows. Just talking to start.
WHERE: Catherine's office in Cowley Road, Lambeth, London.
WARNINGS: Doubtful. Discussion of torture, maybe?

Good and evil and their merits, men have argued for centuries )
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