Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 8th, 2010

[Aug. 8th, 2010|01:05 am]


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WHO: Meph and Ariel
WHAT: Recovering memories
WHERE: The bookshop
WARNINGS: Not likely.

He'd set a closed sign on the shop upon arriving, telling the lingering customers that something had come up and there was no one else to watch the place. With the floor clear, he was left free to consider just what he was doing. Some part of him still felt nerves, felt fear of being surprised or played false again, but he talked himself down. The fallen angel was just that, and between the service he'd done Raziel and the very real fury and loss he'd seen toward God, he couldn't doubt. Not to that degree, not anymore.

He closed his eyes, knowing the medallion wasn't far away. If you have time, I think perhaps I'm ready. Before he changed his mind.
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[Aug. 8th, 2010|08:28 pm]
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Who: Annie Winchester & Keller Cheevy
Where: NYC!
When: Weekendy!
Warnings: In theory!

So they say that it's real love (so romantic) )
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