Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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June 21st, 2010

[Jun. 21st, 2010|05:24 pm]
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WHO: Alexis and Simon (possible interjection from Castle later on if he's so inclined? XD)
WHAT: Lunch
WHERE: Restaurant near River (and now Simon's) apartment
WHEN: After Simon has met with Spencer Reid.
WARNINGS: Doubt it.

After he'd bid Reid goodbye, Simon had immediately turned around and headed near home. There was no time to change, but he looked presentable enough, he figured. It was really just lunch. Right?

He walked past the building that housed their rooms and into the eatery nearby, hoping he wasn't late. Reid did like to talk, though it had been interesting and informative. Still, keeping Alexis waiting would have embarrassed him. Still, she didn't seem to be there, and he sat down with relief, asking for some water while he waited.
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