Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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April 30th, 2010

[Apr. 30th, 2010|06:21 pm]
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Who: Teja and Ferb
What: Ferb's trying out for the Bass position in Dethklok. (We can hear your brains breaking.)
Where: Mordhaus, Mordland, Baja California
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Swearing and being inadvertently threatening with lollipops.

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[Apr. 30th, 2010|10:20 pm]
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Who: Adelia Van Helsing and Frank Roberts
What: Meeting
When: Friday Night
Warnings: Very likely.

While the band played 'The Night Of The Johnstown Flood' )
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