Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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February 7th, 2010

[Feb. 7th, 2010|06:50 pm]
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Who: Cass and Sable
What: Getting through to her the only way he can think of
Where: Castle Von Wolfpack (More a two-storey home than a castle)
When: Sometime in the evening, Sunday.
Warnings: Deep Discussion? Possibly a little swearing from the boy.
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[Feb. 7th, 2010|11:25 pm]
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Who: Henn & Soren
What: Lettin' Cass have some time with Sable (aka: about the same time as this)
Where: Out and about
Warnings: Maybe, in theory.

Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'm reaching for a lime )
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