Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 19th, 2009

[Dec. 19th, 2009|12:14 am]
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WHO: Finn and Artie
WHAT: Finn has a home! Yay!
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Their dorm

Can I go home now? )
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[Dec. 19th, 2009|12:36 am]
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[Current Mood |restless]

WHO: Sereda and Alistair
WHAT: Meeting up
WHERE: Central Park, New York City
WHEN: Nowish
WARNINGS: Doubt it. Alistair's a wuss. ;)

Sereda stood awkwardly in an open expanse of green, arms across her chest. She had no weapon, no armor - and there were either no darkspawn or she had lost the ability to sense them. How would she defend herself if the occasion arose?

At least the field had good sight lines; there were few trees and a hard sort of walkway. If someone was coming, she'd be able to see them for miles before they got close.
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