Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 13th, 2009

[Dec. 13th, 2009|07:25 pm]


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WHO: Zenless Charlie & Clueless Alex
WHAT: Coffee, apparently
WHEN: Sunday afternoon

Gifted with the ability to move in an instant, Alexandra did just that and appeared just around the corner from the coffee shop that her new friend Charlie had mentioned.

As she came around the corner, the clothing she'd been wearing melted away to something new and more fitting with the Los Angeles crowd. A pair of sunglasses appeared on her head and she lowered them over her eyes, only to put them back on her head when she entered the shop.

She gave a deep breath and looked around. She wasn't sure Charlie had even arrived yet, but she saw a man by himself. With nothing to lose, she walked up and asked, "Charlie?"
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[Dec. 13th, 2009|07:46 pm]
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Who: Dean Bendis and Karrin Murphy
What: Drinking
Where: Hole in the wall bar, LA
Warnings: Will update

He was sitting at the bar, an empty seat on either side of him. He had his coat thrown across one, and his elbows up on the bar. He watched the door via the mirror over the bar, his cop instinct keeping a eye on the entire bar behind him. He wasn't paranoid, per se, but he was cautious. No one here knew he was a cop, but one could never be too careful in a bar like this.

He was finally waiting for someone. Karrin, she'd said her name was. She seemed nice enough. He hoped she wasn't going to stand him up. Wouldn't be the first time, if she did. Probably wouldn't be the last, either. But she had replied to his post, and she'd seemed genuine.

He was just so tired of being alone. He hadn't come across anyone he knew in the months he'd been in this place, this alternate universe. He had no idea why he was here, or anything. He had been drifting along, little more than surviving. He needed to do something, before he went mad.

Hopefully meeting Karrin would be the first step toward doing something.
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[Dec. 13th, 2009|11:22 pm]
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Who: Iggy & Candy
Where: Raven & Navi's place in Alaska.
When: Right about now, maybe a little earlier.
What: Talkin'
Warnings: unlikely.

I am a leaf on the wind )
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