Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 7th, 2009

[Apr. 7th, 2009|12:07 am]


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Who: Rose Frost and Gar Logan
What: Surprise date night gone horribly awry!
Where: Chez Frost
Warnings: We'll keep you posted.

Tonight's safe word is 'phallus.' )
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|08:59 pm]
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Who: Dex Dearborn & Soren Skwigelf (with probable special guest appearance by Henn)
Where: The Snake Pit, New Orleans
When: Tuesday eveningish
Why: Crazy random happenstance!
Warnings: Not likely, I don't think.

Dex was trying to get out more, after all, he couldn't just stay on his island forever. It still made him laugh to think that he owned a whole island. He'd asked around to find a good place to get dinner, and had been pointed in the direction of New Orleans, a place called the Snake Pit, which was the weirdest name for a restaurant/bar that he'd ever heard of.

At least until he got inside, and then it all made sense, the girl playing maitre d' that evening led him off to one of the high seats at the counter along the wall, being as it wasn't even mid-week, it was a fairly quiet night, a family off in a corner booth and a few couples scattered throughout, a businessman at the bar and now Dex at the counter.

His brow creased slightly as he looked over the menu, not at all sure he even knew what any of it was.
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