Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 26th, 2009

[Mar. 26th, 2009|12:19 am]
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WHO: Sable and Soren Skwigelf
WHAT: Honeymoon!
WHEN: ...various times?
WHERE: All OVER the place!
WARNINGS: Almost certainly.


They're being gypsies... )
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[Mar. 26th, 2009|06:29 am]
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Who: Damien and Butters
When: Early evening, after this
Where: Thorn Manor
What: Hanging out in a mansion
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


After speaking with the third South Park native so far, Damien was beginning wonder even more what that version of him was like.. )
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[Mar. 26th, 2009|02:10 pm]


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Who: Merope & Damien
When: Afternoon
Why: She heard he isn't well and would like to care for him some.
Where: His home

Merope took quite a bit of time to get to the home of Damien Thorn, she needed to take a taxi which was painstakingly horrid for her. Once she did arrive, she appeared at the large door and approached it with ease, knocking and standing back as she had done before. Some would say that her behaviour was strange in comparison to other women, but she knew very little of what other women were like. As the door came open by a maid, she took a few steps back and straightened out her clothing; a plain sweater with a green jacket over it and a calf-length plaid skirt.

Her coat was taken from her and she pulled the basket she brought close to her body, walking forward and following the maid to Damien's room. Once she was there, she stood outside the door and turned the knob, peeking her head inside. The black haired youth wouldn't come in without an invite,"Damien?" Her tender voice called for him,"It's me, can I come in?"
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Molly and Ahsoka Save the World, Part One [Mar. 26th, 2009|04:29 pm]
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Who: Ahsoka Tano and Molly Hayes
What: Time traveling and saving the world. Explaining away a few plots.
When: The distant future (the year 2000!) of 2020, and the distant past of mid-January 2009. Relates to Purifier Plot and Timey Wimey Plot.
Warnings: Ludicrously long. Also lesbians.

A Jedi and a mutant walk into a bar... )
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Molly and Ahsoka Save the World, Part Two [Mar. 26th, 2009|04:30 pm]
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Who: Ahsoka Tano and Molly Hayes
What: Time traveling and saving the world. Explaining away a few plots.
When: The distant future (the year 2000!) of 2020, and the distant past of mid-January 2009. Relates to Purifier Plot and Timey Wimey Plot.
Warnings: Ludicrously long. Also lesbians.

And now, the thrilling conclusion! )
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[Mar. 26th, 2009|11:58 pm]
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Who Eddie and Sally
Where Sally's place
What A drink.
When Evening, after their chat in the journals
Rating/status Most likely R if only for Eddie's mouth / in progess

Ha Ha. )
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