Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 23rd, 2009

[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:21 am]


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Who: Lulu, Skwiskgaar the Elder, Teja Wartooth, and Teenyver.
What: It's Miniver's birthday!
When: Thursday evening.
Where: The cabin in Stockholm.
Warnings: Cute and sad?

Happy birthday. )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:39 pm]
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Who: Che & Robbie
Where: London
When: Thursday night
Warnings: None likely. Will update if anything happens.

Che had gone to find her shoes as soon as she'd signed off the computer, she had a tendency to just kick them off as soon as she was in the door, since she really liked the fluffy carpet she had along the foyer and into the main room.

Once her shoes were recovered it was wallet-finding time, and then retreiving the shopping list she'd already started which was just the things she knew she'd run out of, staples like bread and milk and jaffa cakes.
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|04:10 pm]


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Who: Older!Elaine and Younger!Sparhawk and...Faran
What: Sometimes, you just have to confide in someone, even if it is a horse.
Where: In the stables
When: Around now-ish.
Warnings: Who knows?

Elaine, clad in blue jeans and a soft t-shirt, went into the stables. "Hullo, Faran." She had almost forgotten how mighty a horse he had been, and it was something of a shock to see him again.

"It's so strange being back here, and so far from my children..." She looked up at the horse and sighed. "I am so frightened I'll never see them again, Faran. Or my man." Elaine came close and put an arm around the horse's neck. Faran nuzzled her head, and Elaine smiled again.

"He's a good man, isn't he? I know your younger self takes good care of him, and he of you." Elaine takes out a brush and begins grooming Faran. "If I could just see my man, let him know that I am well and will be returning to him..." She hoped.

Elaine sighed. "This place is so confusing. I wish things made sense."

Faran snorted and pushed against her with his nose. "I know...I worry too much. Sparhawk always says that to me." She goes on grooming Faran, a soft smile on her face.
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