Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 1st, 2009

[Jan. 1st, 2009|06:28 pm]
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Who: Nathan Explosion and Skwisgaar the Younger.
Where: Mordhaus proper.
When: Right about now.
Why: Because.
Warnings: Incomprehensibility and bad English and probably swearing, maybe drinking, nothing more probably.

It wasn't often that either of the blonde guitarists was seen at Mordhaus these days, but the younger figured it was the only place he was liable to get some peace and quiet. Brenda Annn's was too full of people in too small a space to have any quiet, and the cabin was worse, even though there were fewer people, and he could probably have joined in if he'd wanted to. The point was that he didn't, and he also didn't want to have to listen to it.

So there he was, somehow managing to take up most of a couch, guitar in his lap. He wasn't playing anything in particular, just bits and pieces of everything, this was something that happened often enough that it shouldn't have been a surprise, just the way he worked through particularly confusing mental puzzles. Either that or he couldn't properly remember a whole song at a time.
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[Jan. 1st, 2009|10:22 pm]
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Who: Brenda Annn Turner and Liam Brennan
Where: the Turner-Brennan homestead
When: Soon.
Why: Just 'cos.
Warnings: sparkles and cookies. Feeeeaaaar

New Year's day was always Cookie Day, just one of those things. Which would explain why Brenda had been making various mixtures of dough over the past few hours, leaving the ones that needed it to chill in the fridge while she mixed the next and so on.

Just at that particular moment she was rolling out brown sugar-maple sugar cookie dough to cut leaf-shapes out of it, humming along with the CD player, as usual, baby!Cass perfectly content in his bouncy-seat on the floor with a wooden spoon.
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