Under the Rainbow - Logs community - December 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 30th, 2008

[Dec. 30th, 2008|12:07 am]


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[Current Mood |determined]

WHO: Antigone vs. Fate // Antigone vs. Winchesters
WHAT: The return of a Goddess
WHEN: Four days after she died
WHERE: Elysian Fields // Troy // Casa de Winchester

You can't keep a Goddess down )
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|01:27 am]


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WHO: Liam Brennan and Miniver Cheevy
WHAT: Meeting the family!
WHERE: Liam's place
WHEN: Tonight
Warnings: This looks to develop more or less like an episoide of Looney Tunes. Otherwise, unless they end up in a porn shop, god only knows.


It's not long before Miniver arrives at Liam's flat. He's a bit nervoius, to be honest -- the only members of his mother's family he's seen since he was 8 or so are his brother and nephew, and they'd been raised Cheevy if not born. Liam had seemed a nice enough chap, but Miniver still harbored reservations from his time spent knowing his mother.

Finally,l after milling about on the front stoop for a few minutes with a cigarette, he works up the courage to actually knock.
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|04:18 pm]


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[Current Mood |sore]

Who: Alex and Kenzie, maybe random appearances by Emma
Where: Her Home
When: Afternoon
What: Alex nagging Kenz to rest :-)
Rating: PG13 at most

Makenzie Cameron was never good at staying down, at resting when she needed it, but she didn't have much choice this time. Every time she moved some part of her hurt, though nothing like it did after her sister saved her during the war. None of this mattered anymore, she had a new life, an odd yet fun career, and her sister back in her life as well as a good friend who seemed to genuinely care about her even despite who and what she was.

Tired of laying on the couch, the books she had near her not holding her attention, Kenzie finally gave in and tried to do something productive. She knew that Alex would make her lay back down when he arrived, so she wanted to get some things done, though the young brunette had no clue what she really had to get done, which worked out for her because as she moved across the room there was a ring of the doorbell.

She was going to get the door herself, but Emma beat her to it. "Be nice okay Em?"

"Yeah yeah, wouldn't want your sister to scare off whoever you have coming over." Emma said with a small smirk. Her face of course looked like a large truck had run her over several times, but for the most part she was fine.

Opening the door the tall, bruised brunette looked the man up and down. "Hello?" She said. "Can I help you?"
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|07:29 pm]


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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Just a day in the life
Where: Their apartment
When: now-ish
Warnings: NC-17 ishy stuffs. :)

Ganieda had stopped at the store on the way home for a bottle of wine. They did not partake that often, but it was nice sometimes to have wine with dinner. She walked with a light step into the apartment building and waved at the doorman, heading into the elevator to go upstairs.

She touched the side of the door and it swung open for her. "I'm home," she called.
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|11:51 pm]
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Who: Malakai Chmelyk and Rurik Markov
What: Nuclear Fission. Do you really have to ask?
When/Where: Last night after Rurik's post, his shop near Kris and Ilya's home (wherever that is XD )
Warnings: Sex. Vampirism, possibly, with a 20% chance of fluff.

Look! A Witty Cut-Text )
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