Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 21st, 2008

[Nov. 21st, 2008|12:18 am]
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Who: Malakai Chmelyk and Calliope Sedant
What: A bit of cat-and-mouse.
When/Where: Tonight, Central Park, NYC
Warnings: Mun-coordinated violence, blood play, definately an 'R'.

Malakai was leaning over a bridge near one of the entrances to the park- not necessarily the one closest to Calliope's home, but he had no doubt she would find him, when she cared to look. A cigarette hung from his lips, embers glowing in the light breeze around the park. It was enough to chill him, lacking the warmth of a live body, and he pulled his coat closer to himself, adjusting the knives stashed at his waist. He had little intention of using them, having brought them more out of habit, and as a precaution, than anything else.

It was unusual, for him to have offered himself so readily for the fight, but with Calliope, it really was a beautiful thing to see; she had a way about her hunting that he could appreciate, and if he had to be on the receiving end of it to witness it again, so be it. Besides, he had been behaving far too well, lately. He needed a bit of an outlet, and this would serve the purpose as well as, if not better than, any human he might find.

Eyes lazily scanned the passers-by, knowing he would be able to sense her before he saw her, but still wanting something to distract him, until she arrived.
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|10:58 am]
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who. Denny Duquette and Izzie Stevens
what. Waking up together
when. Wednesday morning
where. Denny's apartment

Read more... )
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|01:44 pm]
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Who: Toki and Soren
What: Snow!
Where: Switzerland
When: Daytime
Warnings: Nothing worse than bad English and Swearing.
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|09:23 pm]
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Who: Rose Frost and Eskarina Smith
Where: Taunton
Warnings: Nope

You go zoom, zoom, zoom )
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