Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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November 7th, 2008

[Nov. 7th, 2008|01:39 pm]
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Who: Kael'Thas and Cyd
Where: Various London venues
When: Friday afternoon and onward
Why: Their second sort of date
Rating: R for geeky molestatins

It took Kael a little while to find her apartment, mainly because he wasn't familiar with London's layout or areas, and he was more than embarrassed he was a few minutes late in arriving to her apartment, or flat as they referred to around here.  But here he was, clean shaven and his hair still a bit damp but the tips of it sticking out a little in front, pressed clothing and all.  A picture of perfection even with his glasses on.  Running his hand over his clothing once, he smoothed out any wrinkles before knocking on her door.
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