Under the Rainbow - Logs community - October 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 27th, 2008

[Oct. 27th, 2008|12:28 am]
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Who: Onyxx and Henry.
What: Having a little chat. It’s another narrative.
Where: One of Henry’s safe houses. This one is in El Paso.
When: Tonight, actually. Probably around 8pm.

A Meeting...sorta. )
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|12:35 am]


[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: Ares and Aphrodite
What: Seeing each other for the first time/Dite's month long shower
When: BACKDATED to when Dite showed up
Where: England/Antigone's house
Warnings: Nudity maybe? No sex yet, I don't think.

Fight or Sex? Fight or Sex? Oh! I know fighting sex! )
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|02:16 am]
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Who: House and Cameron
What: Getting drunk, whining about Cuddy
When: Tonight
Where: His place
Warnings: Numerous ones

Cameron had stopped by the liquor store and picked up several types of liquor, and one or two things to mix it with just in case they decided for some reason not to drink straight from the bottle though she was sure they would. After she paid for it all, she drove over to where House lives and parked the car. She knew he was upset about Cuddy, though she didn't know the details of what happened.

Sure she could ask Cuddy, but she figured to get both sides of the story. She'd start with his because she was worried. So Cameron knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|10:00 am]


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Who: Sadako Yamamura and Teja Wartooth.
What: Consoling Sadako.
When: Today, after she wakes to find Sweeney gone.
Where: Mordhaus.
Warnings: Violence, possible swearing, let's just say everything ever.

Angry lions. )
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|06:09 pm]



Who: Sookie and Bill the Vampirate
What: Meetings, marveling at their mutual paleness, explanations of the world at large.
When/Where: This afternoon, Central Park, NYC
Warnings: None, I shouldn't think.

Sookie found herself sitting on a park bench near the gate of Central Park, poking at the altogether too-fancy cell phone she'd found in her pocket, even as a mysterious and not-half suspect man offered to come meet her. She really should have known better than to agree to it so quickly, but really, he was the nicest anyone had been to her since she found herself under a tree in the way-too-large park. Not to mention, focusing on talking to him let her drown out the hundreds of other voices swirling around in her head.

Given this was definately New York and not Louisiana, the sundress and sandals she had on did little to keep her warm, and she found herself pacing before long, just to keep warm. She heard, in that way she had, a man approaching with obvious intentions, and she turned on him before he got close enough to touch her like he'd been planning.

"Begging your pardon, but you really better keep on walking, bud." The guy seemed shocked into compliance, dropping his hand and walking off.

Was everyone from the cities perverted? She went back to sit, to at least keep her from having her back to... people, anymore.
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