Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 29th, 2008

[Sep. 29th, 2008|07:10 am]


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WHO: Miniver Cheevy and Skwisgaar Skwigelf the Elder
WHAT: ...talking, or something
WHEN: Now, or sometime
WHERE: Mordhaus
WARNINGS: One never knows, with Mordhaus... the usual rockstar stuff though.


Miniver's spent the past few days in almost perpetual motion -- moving from house to house, wandering aimlessly, writing down half-finished poems he's never touch again... Then the burst of energy seemed to run out abruptly in a way that had a lot to do with him taking half a bottle of allergy pills a day or so. So here he is, in the common room of Mordhaus, flipping channels on one of the TVs just because he likes the little electronic buzz-ping-hiss sound he's noticed the TV doing every time it goes on or off or changes channels.
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[Sep. 29th, 2008|08:49 am]

Who: Max and Vance
What: Talking
Where: Penthouse Mansion
When: This morning
Warnings: cursing

Max strode toward Vance's office, irritated beyond belief. Things were spinning out of control in his head, and now even his home was coming apart at the seams. He honestly didn't think he could take another second of this insanity.

He let himself into Vance's office without knocking, or even giving Holly, his secretary, his usual wink and grin.

This was serious business.
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[Sep. 29th, 2008|05:31 pm]


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who. James and Lily. Soon to be The Potters.
what. A proposal
when. After James' last post
where. England

She's bittersweet, she knocks me off of my feet. And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else.  )
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[Sep. 29th, 2008|08:27 pm]
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who.Jason and Carrie
what. A martial arts lesson
when. night after this post
where.  New York

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