Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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September 19th, 2008

[Sep. 19th, 2008|07:03 pm]
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Who: Tony and Remy
What: Working at the hospital together whilst Cuddy and everyone else is away
When: Today
Where: Kent Memorial
Warnings: Dunno, maybe none :P

The next patient on Remy's list was someone who had recently had one of the arc reactors put into his body several weeks ago. It was time for another check up, to take some of the stitches out and to make sure that everything was going properly. She could do most of that herself, but in order to make sure the actual reactor was functioning, she had to bring in her husband. After all, he was the one that built everything.

She decided to wait for him to join her in the back where all of the curtains were lined up sectioning off each 'room' from the other. Might as well do it all at once so the poor guy wasn't waiting. She had just seen him a second ago, figuring he was washing up around the corner.
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