Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 12th, 2008

[Sep. 12th, 2008|06:01 am]


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Who: Soren Skwigelf and Alexia Winters
What: Keeping each other company.
When: Early today.
Where: Soren and Cass' house on Tortuga.
Warnings: Ayup. NSFW.

Cold, cold night. )
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[Sep. 12th, 2008|07:52 am]
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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin
When: Evening
Where: Outside the Pink Pussycat to start
What: damsel in distress..only not.
Rating: TBD

This was all too much for Victoire. The young blond witch had been in this new world for all of an hour and she had been propositioned by some filthy muggle, she had been ordered to remove her clothes because it was her job, and Teddy, the person who always seemed to bail her out was now coming to her rescue.

If Victoire had her way she would hex the entity that had its hand in bringing her to the new world and then go have a proper drink...

At least she had the proper drink.
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[Sep. 12th, 2008|08:57 pm]
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Who: Johanna and Sweeney.
What: Family reunion
Where: Fleet St., London
When: Tonight
Warnings: Nothing bloody, I'd hope.

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