Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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August 16th, 2008

[Aug. 16th, 2008|06:06 am]


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Who: Soren Skwigelf and Cassidy Turner.
What: Answering questions for their blog.
When: Tonight.
Where: Skwisgaar the Elder's cabin in Sweden, and THE INTERNETS.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive language, geekery, fluff.

I give myself very good advice but I very seldom follow it. )
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|06:42 am]

Name: Doug Ramsey
What: Doug's Crazy Adventure: The Finale
Where: New York City
When: August 15th and the morning of the 16th
Warnings: None, really, but let's go with a rating of PG-13, just because.
Complete Narrative

Then and Now )
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