Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 6th, 2008

[Aug. 6th, 2008|01:22 am]



Who: Miniver Cheevy (age 28), Nikki the crackhead guitarist, Jenna the veela violinist, and introducing the Canadian bass player with board-game superpowers whose name I won't put here as it would ruin the impact below.
What: Backstory - the formation of Blue Muse, part 3 (part 1 is here, part 2 is here)
When: 1998
Where: Los Angeles
Warnings: The death of a goose under suspicious circumstances

In which Miniver resolves to never again feel sorry for himself because of his silly name. )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|03:51 am]


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Who: Candy Quackenbush and Remy LeBeau
What: Remy comes home from playing martyr a little worse for the wear.
When: After he gets patched up in the epic Joker vs. Remy thread.
Where: Here there and everywhere?
warnings: Candy's a mother hen. And they might swear. PG-13.

Finally free to twist and turn. )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|10:26 am]
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Who: Ella and Leon
What: Meeting up
Where: Where Ella landed
When: Day before yesterday
Warnings: Nope.

The perfect fit, body and soul )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|01:44 pm]


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Who: James Bond (AU) and Shannon Weiss
What: Meeting of lovers who aren't.
Where: A bar in Quantico, Virginia.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: A little swearing possible, but that's it.
Status: In progress

Don't I know you? )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|02:07 pm]


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Who: Henry Tudor and Gabriella Montez
What: Henry gets to play knight in shining armor.
Where: Outside the Glendale Galleria, near Los Angeles, California
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: Double entendres vs. super-sweetness.
Status: Completed

Just a nice guy, here to lend a hand )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|04:51 pm]
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Who: Henry Tudor and Jade
What: A meeting between old... acquaintances.
Where: Jade's club
When: Nowish
Warnings: TBD- but considering it's Henry and Jade's a courtesan by trade...
Status: In progress

Time can be such a fickle creature... )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|05:15 pm]


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Who: Bobby, Mira and Emily
What: Mira healing Emily
Where: Faith's pimp palace
When: Tonight
Warnings: Probably none
Posting order: Bobby, Emily, Mira

knit these bones back together and let them hurt no more )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|05:42 pm]
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Who: Remy LeBeau, Miniver Cheevy and Pickles the Drummer
What: Kickin' it.
Where: Guildhall, New Orleans, LA
When: Todayish
Warnings: Profanity, sexual  innuendo, probably some other stuff, for sure.

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[Aug. 6th, 2008|06:16 pm]
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Who: Stabler and Sully
What: Dirty things after a hard day at work
Where: Stabler's apartment
When: evening
Warnings: oh lookie, smut.

Boys and their toys )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|09:00 pm]

Who: Artemis and Vance, with occasional snark by Hecate
Where: The Penthouse Mansion
What: He offered her a sandwich.
Warnings: I have no earthly clue.

Artemis and Hecate (for the crone was heavy in her mind, and it vexed the young huntress a great deal), came into existence in Vance's study with a faint pop. She eyed the young man, and saw with Hecate's wisdom the layers of him, the hero he would have become, the child he had once been, the woman lurking just below the surface.

She sat gracelessly on his desk, sweeping papers away to accommodate this. "You have an offering for me?"
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|09:16 pm]
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Who: Joker and Cassandra Cain, former idiot Batgirl extraordinaire
When: Awhile ago. Watch me blush. Backdated before Remy, after Jason
Where: Um. Somewhere?
Why: This shit doesn't fly.
Warnings: Ass-kicking?

Cassandra Cain had never been a very level person. Out of the other members of the Bat-family (except maybe Bruce) she considered herself the most emotionally unstable. All it took was one more straw, the hospitalization of her boyfriend, to revert her back into an old routinue. It only took one look at Jason to have her running back home (after he was safely in the hospital where she couldn't do much good now anyway) to find every single stash of deadly weapons she had throughout the house and start strapping them on.

At this point, she was not thinking about anyone. Not how disappointed they would all be. Not how proud David Cain would be. Not how smug Shiva would feel. Cass let instinct take over in a way it hadn't in a long time. She hesitated before leaving, looking at her costume and at the last moment, grabbed it.

There would be no mistakes made tonight. She couldn't afford to.
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|10:24 pm]


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[Current Mood |moody]

Who: Dean & Jo
What: Chilling?
When: Now
Where: Dean's apartment
Why: Because Dean is pissed off at the world again. Are you really surprised?
Warnings: They're in bed, so yeah.

I'm alright, hope I can sleep for one night, if not to cool my insides, maybe to calm my backside. Rain on me, I got a weakness in me, I think that weakness feeds me, I don't think you think you need me. )
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