Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 16th, 2008

Non metal coffee is not metal. [Jul. 16th, 2008|03:16 am]
Who: Artan Stillman and Robyn/359
What: Having coffee.
Where: Some little coffee shop.
When: Today.
Warnings: For once, shouldn't be anything 'cept language.

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[Jul. 16th, 2008|10:52 pm]


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Who:  A soldier, Angel and Demon-Sorcerer..there's a punchline somewhere
What:  giving away some-a lot- of books
Where: Tsung's mansion
When: Monday night
Warnings: possibly none

By the time Sonya got home, changed into some 'civvies', got some dinner ( with the vitamins), it was just time for Aziraphale to arrive for the books.

She waited by the front hallway, skimming over one of the books that Dr. Cameron gave her, one of those generic 'pregnancy and you' books. It was medical and not the 'sweet, sentimental' sort with pink and blue images.  Reading it however, Sonya wasn't sure if she really had the 'stomach' for what she had to look forward to.

She was reading in one of the more cozier, smaller rooms of the first floor, when Charles came up to her.

"Madam, a Mr. Aziraphale is at the door. Shall I let him in."

Sonya got up, yawning a little. "No, I'll show him in myself."
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[Jul. 16th, 2008|11:14 pm]
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Who: James and Antigone
What: Figuring things out
Where: A hotel in New York
When: Wednesday evening.

Wtf )
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