Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 6th, 2008

[Jul. 6th, 2008|05:46 am]


Who: Miniver Cheevy, Sable Harris, and the Butterfly
What: Engaging in massive geekery. Also, finding Butterfly a place to stay.
Where: Sable's bookstore
When: Now.
Warnings: Hippies

Miniver finds the Butterfly's library quick enough.

It's not hard to guess who he's looking for.

"Hey! H'llo! Are you that guy?"
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|09:00 am]



Who: Tony Stark [Invincible Iron Man] and OTA
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Shops in Los Angeles
Why: Mun is bored.  Muse is bored.
Rating: PG-13 maybe?  Depending on what Tony or whoever says.

There was just no reason for Tony to be out of the house, especially on a Sunday, which he'd declared as a personal day of lying in bed constantly or working on some new brainchild in the basement of the Malibu home.  But he'd grown restless, almost itchy, to get into something.  Recent events aka his bout with dying had made him pretty antsy, but he'd been quiet.  Rhodey was here, which he was very thrilled about because he'd missed his best friend, but there was just something else he couldn't put his finger on.  He told Jarvis to tell Pepper he'd gone out for a few hours when she finally woke up since he didn't want her to worry about him.  She could always call him if she needed  or wanted him to bring anything home.

Home.  That was another thing.  This place hadn't really been home like he remembered, but with Pepper there, it was turning into that.  While they were acting pretty wild, which was definitely a different side of her he'd never seen, he was getting bored with that.  Well, less bored and more possessive.  He liked it being just the two of them on days like this when they slept in and Jarvis tinted the windows enough to let in a soft glow of the sun to warm them.  It was always the little things that mattered most.

But now he was driving towards the shops in downtown Los Angeles, dressed more like a tourist with worn jeans, trainers and a black t-shirt thrown on, in search of something to occupy him until he was ready to go home.  The car, a Bugatti Veyron, sped through the roads as its driver coaxed another 15 to 20 extra mph out of its limit with the modifications he'd made upon its purchase.  The roar of the engine could be heard as it navigated its way towards its destination and finally parking on Sunset Strip.  If anyone fucked with his car, he'd know because they'd end up screaming from the electrical jolt they'd get.  Gotta love personally installed security systems.  Shopping was his destination, but first, he needed something to eat to keep him going, so there he was, billionaire Tony Stark, hanging out at a hotdog stand and guzzling a Dr. Pepper as he waited for his footlong to be prepared.
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|03:48 pm]
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Who: Any member of Dethklok that wants in on this action.
What: Telling Skwisgaar he needs to add some things to his bedroom.
When: Today.
Where: Mini-Mordhaus.
Warnings: Standard Dethklok Warnings Apply.

Trading Spaces. )
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Nothin' lasts forever but the earth and sky (it slips away) [Jul. 6th, 2008|07:23 pm]


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Who: Bobby Singer and Future!Dean Winchester
What: Getting Dean's drunk ass outta bed
Where: Dean's apartment
When: Morningish after regular Dean's and Bela's engagement party
Ratings: Probably cursing. That's it.

all we are is dust in the wind )
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who: Crowley and Cassiel (Self-log FTW, at least in his post)
What: Fluff. A demon becoming less-demonlike.
When/Where: Earlier today, the Angel's library/Cassiel's nursery.
Warnings: Cuteness. This is essentially being posted to amuse Mary and Zira.

Insert Cute Cut-Text Here )
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