Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 27th, 2008

[Jun. 27th, 2008|12:12 am]
Who: Nathan Explosion and Skwisgaar the Elder.
What: Escaping Florida.
Where: Out and about in London, MiniMordhaus.
When: Right after Nathan gets here.
Warnings: Swearing and possible violence.

Black times infinity. )
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[Jun. 27th, 2008|02:16 am]
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Who: Lionel and Nancy
Where: Their apartment
When: Middle of the night
Why: Lionel shouldn't have watched a hot scene in a movie.
Rating: Duh. It's us.

Lionel had practically started without his charming girlfriend after having watched that one scene on the DVD at least ten times.  It was insane at how much that one part had made his desire for Nancy drive straight through the roof, but he'd forgotten that moment in his life, how he'd listened at that vent as the woman he'd been madly in love with had rough sex with her husband and begged for more.  Lionel remembered vividly how he'd spent that evening: alone under the vent masturbating wildly.

But here he lay in their bed as he put away his little PDA as he waited on Nancy, and he was already undressed and sitting crouched like he was about to pounce the unsuspecting girl once she entered their room.  She'd said she was excited to see how this would be.  And he had to admit, he showed his excitement in more ways than one currently.
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[Jun. 27th, 2008|12:15 pm]


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Who: Danny and Mary
Where: Mary's Office at the casino
What: Talking, after Sam left
When: Shortly after they arrived
Warnings: Might be some cussing. Nothing major, or I'll revise.

The door clicked shut, Sam was gone, leaving Danny and Mary alone in the oversized office. The fact it was roomier, more modern, and definitely more plush than any office at the Montecito did not escape Danny's notice. Neither did the ring on Mary's left hand, or the matching band on his own. He hadn't noticed it there, before, but he'd been so wrapped up in trying to figure out what had happened, he hadn't taken the time to notice.

He wasn't sure what to make of it, and tried to keep his eyes averted from either hand. "So. That was easy," he muttered, looking to the door, referring to hiring Sam. He knew Mary had concerns about Sam's recklessness, her go-get-'em attitude, that often got her in trouble. She was, technically, their responsibility now. It was kind of scary, Danny mentally agreed, but would never say as much, out loud.
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[Jun. 27th, 2008|11:26 pm]
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Who: Skwisgaar the Elder & Pickles the Drummer
What: Cornered and grumpy.
Where: Mini-Mordhaus, London
When: Shortly after this
Warnings: Language. Butchering of it.

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