Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 22nd, 2008

[Jun. 22nd, 2008|12:24 am]


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Who: Dick Grayson the Younger and Carrie Kelley (Grayson)
What: A contest of epic proportions
Warnings: Probably language

Winning isn't everything. It's just the only thing that matters. )
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[Jun. 22nd, 2008|06:46 pm]



Who: the Rogan family
What: being dorky
Where: their stateside home
When: early afternoon
Warnings: cursing, adult content, possible threats of violence.

They'd wound up with a period of time when they couldn't do much in Genosha, so they had decided to start packing up their home and looking into real estate in Genosha. Today they were mostly just hanging out, since it was the first time they'd been together as a family in a couple weeks.

Belle was humming and setting the table while lunch finished heating up. She'd had a craving for grilled cheese, and it usually went over well with the kids, so she'd started up the sandwich press.

The babies were 'helping' by moving the plates around and squabbling about what kind of soup to have. When it got too noisy Belle stepped between them, telling them to go wash their hands so they wouldn't get dirt all over their food. How they managed to get so dirty from being inside all day she had no clue.
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[Jun. 22nd, 2008|06:53 pm]



Who: The Solomon's Crown group
Where: In ur abandnd tempels
What: Stealin ur artifax
When: Last week
Warnings: violence and cursing.

The temple was large and run down. Years of erosion had worn away most of the outside markings, making it hard to find. But eventually the party reached it, and separated into their groups. Athos, Aramis, and Jonas hung back, to keep the exit clear. Merlin and Lara took point, to disable the traps. Onyxx and Belle followed after. For a moment after they had entered, there was silence, only the sounds of their footsteps disturbing the tomb.

And then that moment ended.
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[Jun. 22nd, 2008|08:46 pm]
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Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ray Terrill continued
When: Directly after this post
Where: Um... We'll say Obi-Wan's place
Warnings: NC-17- major smuttage and kinky stuffs

Who knew a Jedi Master could be kinky? )
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[Jun. 22nd, 2008|10:42 pm]


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Who:Sam Marquez, Mary Connell, Danny McCoy
What: Reuniting?
Where: Danny and Mary's Casino
When: Earlier today
Warnings: Probably not. Maybe some swearing.

insert appropriate lyrics or witty saying here... )
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