Under the Rainbow - Logs community - May 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 27th, 2008

[May. 27th, 2008|01:31 am]
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Who: Tony, baby Edward, and Remy
Where: Stark mansion
When: Middle of the night
Why: The Ant is hungry
Rating: G for Gawd this is too cute.

"Shhh....shhhh, it's alright, see?  Daddy has your bottle right here.  Just have to-" and he was struggling with holding Edward and testing the warmth of the milk in the bottle at the same time, but he managed to drip a little on the inside of his wrist.  Determining it was the right temperature, he gathered up the bottle, a spit up cloth and the baby and headed upstairs to the nursery, which had spontaneously popped up in the house when everything had returned to normal.  There was no baby monitor since Tony had insisted that the crib be in their bedroom for now until Edward was a little older.

When they entered the nursery, it turned into their own little sanctum where he fed his son, quietly rocking him in a chair and sometimes he could be heard singing to him.  He put the cloth over his shoulder and settled into the rocking chair, cradled Edward in his arms and supported his head before testing the bottle on his lips.  He latched onto it greedily as he watched his father smile down at him, then kiss his little head just near the soft spot.  Tony had started to hum as he rocked Edward, and it wasn't long before his little eyes were slowly closing as he ate. 

Once Edward had finished, Tony put the bottle down and burped him, then cleaned him up a little before he put him against his chest and rocked him back to sleep, all the while singing to his little boy.  "You know," he whispered against his forehead as he kissed it, "Daddy's always going to take care of you and your mother and your sister.  It's not going to be like me with my father.  You won't lose me and be expected to grow up so fast."
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[May. 27th, 2008|09:42 am]


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Who: Alex and Lorna
What: Talking, planning
When: A week from today
Where: Their house
Rating: Possible NC-17 material

It had been a good week. After the whole time travel thing, they'd both been too exhausted to do much. Lorna had been sleeping for twelve hours at a time, and eating ravenously when she was awake. But, on the other hand, it was their first full week of summer break, and it gave them a lot of time to be together, which more than made up for the fatigue.

But finally, Lorna felt fully rested again, and so she was sitting at her computer, trolling Google maps, looking for interesting places to visit for their vacation.
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[May. 27th, 2008|09:47 am]



Who: Alex and Belle
What: planning to search for Nazi gold in Genosha
When: early afternoon
Where: their house
Rating: probably some mild language, possible sex, the usual, really.

It was nearly one pm before Belle woke up again. She'd spent the whole night partying with Zatana and the boys, and had finally worked out all of her pent up energy and excitement. It had taken an effort of will to get home, but she finally did, and had even made it to their bedroom, though she'd opted to fall in bed fully dressed, instead of bothering with undressing.

But now the birds were singing, and the children were playing, and it was time for Belle to get up and rescue her husband from their spawn.
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[May. 27th, 2008|05:00 pm]
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Who: Kyle Rayner and Solvei Samuels
What: Hanging Out/Checking On Her
Where: Her Loft/Bakery
Warnings: Nah, Probably Not

Somehow It Almost Always Comes Back to a Pretty Girl )
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[May. 27th, 2008|06:05 pm]


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Who: Sam Winchester & Anne
What: He's still in bed. Take a guess
When: Tonight.
Where: His bed
Warnings: Yes. Lots of them.

Anne prepared a tray of things for the two of them to nibble on during the watching of a movie she was quite sure she wasn't going to get to see the end of.

More warnings! )
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[May. 27th, 2008|09:12 pm]
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who. Winry Rockbell and Alphonse Elric
what. After school, probably walking home together
when. Earlier today
where. Taunton

Witty cut text goes here! )
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[May. 27th, 2008|10:50 pm]


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who. Doug Ramsey and Carrie Kelley
what. Work and play
when. Today

Coworker bonding. )
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