Under the Rainbow - Logs community - May 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 24th, 2008

[May. 24th, 2008|03:49 pm]
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Who: Pepper Potts and Invincible Iron Man
What: Talking and hopefully no throwing down stairs
When: Last night
Where: Her house.. uh.. probably .. space house now
Warnings: Who the hell knows.

Pepper was pacing back and forth just as nervously as ever. Sure there was this whole thing in the future, but really she was more worried that she'd made a mistake. That he really was just Tony trying to be funny and get her to see him. She wanted to trust him, really she did, but after he'd not gone away the last time she told him and the whole stairs thing happened, she didn't know if she wanted to deal with it.

But it was too late for that now, he was on his way there. And so she waited impatiently for him to show up. She really hoped this wouldn't be as crap as the last time. She wasn't quite sure she'd handle this if it was all just a ploy.
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[May. 24th, 2008|09:10 pm]


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Who: Alex and Keller
What: getting drunk... or staying that way
Where: New York - a balcony, a rooftop, somewhere where they can sit and watch - stuff
When: late evening sometime
Warnings: drunk people? who knows at this point-

Alex has a drink, she's not even sure what it's called anymore and she's not particularly sure she cares. She's not sure how long she and Keller have been sitting here, but they've at least got a pretty good buzz going (at least she does) and they don't seem too keen to slow down yet.

"So, any thoughts -" she pauses to sip from her drink, "- thoughts on why-" she waves a hand at the scenery beyond the edge of the balcony (rooftop).
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[May. 24th, 2008|11:51 pm]


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Who: Bobby Singer and Mira, maybe Ruby if she wants?
What: Killing some Nazis, getting Bobby out
Where: POW Camp, Germany
When: night time, WWII day
Warnings: They'll be blowing stuff up so blood and gore for sure. Maybe some language and some drooling on Bobby's part of Mira. So, rated R-ish.

Bobby was sitting in the corner of his cell scribbling into his journal. Didn't even look up when he heard the first bomb explode somewhere nearby. He didn't feel very smooth at the moment because he hadn't even bothered to ask the woman that was coming to his rescue with guns and explosives what her name was. Cursed himself silently as he heard Nazis shouting and running past his cell.

He stood up and brushed off his very tattered uniform. The person that he had replaced here had apparently been in this cell for a very long time. Grinned a little when he saw the redhead outside of his cell picking his lock. Didn't take her more than a few seconds and the door swung open with a cringe-worthy screech.

Ruby wasn't here yet but if she figured out the coordinates alright they'd definitely take care of all of the Nazis on this base.

"Guess your my knight in shining armor. Just don't start callin' me your damsel, girl." He said as he walked forward to exit.
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