Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 16th, 2008

[Mar. 16th, 2008|12:19 am]


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Who: Alex and Lorna
What: apartment hunting, spring breaking, and stuff
Where: England
Warnings: sex. Anal sex, at that.

This was the day! Alex was going to be staying in the dorm with her, and they were going to go look for an apartment together over her break. She was excited, and nervous, but mostly excited. The little bit of time they'd had together since the dinner where she'd fucked everything up (as she called it in her head), hadn't let them get much done beside planning this trip, as much as Lorna had wished otherwise.

Well, she trusted him, and hoped that she could keep herself from having a panic attack that would seem to be over something it wasn't. Which didn't even make much sense in her own head, but she'd discovered an innate talent for screwing things up that she hadn't otherwise known about. Maybe this place was just getting to her. She had no way to know.

Either way, she was nervous and excited as she waited at the portkey, coffee for two sitting in a pair of cups next to her.
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|01:20 am]
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Who: Beecher and Keller
Where: The B/K Home, of course.
When: Whatever happened to Saturday Night?
Warnings: Gender-Swap remix! Toby gets revenge, via Cole Turner's Business Sense.

Once again lacking the general nuisance of his daughter's presence- she seemed to have hundreds of friends, or at least plenty of people that thought he was a bad enough father, to take her in at night- Toby was lounged on the couch, working on reading up for his bar. Chris was around, he knew, but the man had taken to avoiding him when he was holding a book larger than a skin-mag, probably for fear of being asked to help him study.

Toby didn't seem to mind the silence.
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|01:27 pm]
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Who: Bela and Che
What: Coffee and a good old fashioned girl's day out
Where: Over there ->
Why: Because they need to talk
When: somewhere after genderswap and before St. Pat's day weekend
Rating: nothing to worry about yet, will update if that changes

Che was waiting, perched at one of the small tables near the window, they'd decided that it would be easier to meet at one of the little cafes and move on from there, if they were so inclined. Che was being her usual somewhat bouncy self as she waited, her frilly cream-and-sugar coffee drink held between both hands, hair almost-tamed by a knotted headscarf, just watching passersby and waiting for Bela.
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|07:10 pm]
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Who: Henry McCoy and Anya Lensherr
What: Giving News and Breaking Bread
Where: His House
When: Saturday Evening
Warnings: None Yet.

Bustling, hustling, moving fast... )
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|10:47 pm]


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Who: Belle and Marrow
What: Sparring
Where: Marrow's place
Rating: High for language, violence

Belle didn't knock. She wanted to play. Just walking into a fight was never her style, and so she didn't do it now. Instead, she slipped through one of Marrow's windows. Marrow was good, she expected that this would remain a fight, even if she got the drop on the other woman.
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