Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 11th, 2008

The Hammer of Jeff! [Jan. 11th, 2008|01:06 am]
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Who: Karen Davis and Shawn Spencer (erm, the original? Aki!Shawn.)
Where: His place, ders.
When: Later today. Afternoon-ish.
What: Bonding and other fun things that BFF!Sibling types do.
Warnings: There will be fluff. Disgusting and adorable amounts.
Why?: Because it's Friday, dammit, and we've waited over a week to play them!!!

After leaving an hour later than she'd planned and indeed making a Gamestop run before jumping a Portkey, Karen dropped off 10-15 Wii games intended for both House and the girls (to hopefully save his sanity even the tiniest bit) at the apartment they were at. Keep thy boss happy. From there she stopped herself from stopping to get coffee (it took a lot of willpower, ok?) and found herself at Shawn's door. Pausing before knocking she thought for a moment, then rapped on the door several times.

"I have little doubt that you aren't already at the door, Shawn. Either way, open up. I might have a surprise for you." She did indeed, but the contents of the tote slung on her shoulder would have to bne a secret just for that added "shock" value. Wincing at some clicking sounds she turned to see a group of photographers standing out closer to the street and she managed a smile at them, turning back to knock harder a couple of times. "Ok if you're sitting on ZMT waiting for the pics to show up, I'll hit you with something, Shawn, I didn't bring my bodyguard dude. We can look at my new life as an online tabloid princess together, they posted a video yesterday of my telling them to move the fuck out of my way."
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[Jan. 11th, 2008|11:52 pm]


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who. Juno MacGuff and Carrie Kelley
what. Labor
when. Tonight
where. Hospital in NYC
why. We are mean, cruel, horrible, no good, mean munlies.

Just breathe )
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