Who: Lulu and Skwisgaar the Elder What: Lunchmeals Where:Some restaurant overlooking the Baltic Sea. Skwisgaar's Cabin, Sweden. When: Today Warnings: Dethklok Biohazard
Skwisgaar had a roadie write down a list of restaurants in Stockholm that Nathan would enjoy, including a place which served meats of animals that Nathan probably had never eaten before. He tugged on a nice shirt, left it unbuttoned, and started out the door. His first stop was at a place famous for their pricey and high quality jewelry. He'd figured out that if what Nathan said was true, and he remembered it (Though at first, he was certain it was a dream), he'd done some pretty bad things, and he needed to make up for it. Not only that, but the thought had crossed his mind before, anyway. He took a look at their ring selection, keeping several in mind, while the clerk put his current gift in a lift-top box covered in soft, off-white lambskin.
Then he made his way to Lulu's shop and flat. He seemed out of place as he walked into the toy store, looking around for the beautiful woman he... didn't hate. That thing that wasn't hate. That thing that was better than like that he refused to think about because it was unfair to even consider it.