Who: Bobby Singer and Mira What: going to an animal shelter to pick out a dog Where: Philly When: A couple of days ago Warnings: There's always the possibility with these two.
Bobby was really happy that Mira had liked getting her stunner. That's what he planned on her being when he thought to find it and give it to her. He kinda wished that he could've been there to see her face when she saw it. But, if she really cried, like she said she did? There would be no way in hell he would've been able to keep his composure. And he couldn't have that. He was already feeling like he was getting as soft as cereal that's had milk on it for an hour. Most of the time he didn't mind but there were short fleeting times when he was still waiting for the bottom to fall out. Because that's what he's been used to in his life.
When Mira came into the garage to get going to the animal shelter she had one of those grins on her face. One of those smiles that drove Bobby wild. It was a smile that said something like, 'just wait until I get you alone later.' He was half tempted to take her right here and now but they had a dog to go get. Something that they both wanted. So he could wait. But he did pull her to him and gave her a quick deep kiss before they got into the car.
It didn't take very long to get to the shelter. They walked inside and there was a woman behind a counter that looked up and asked them if she could help them. Bobby nodded at her and said, "We're lookin' to adopt a dog." She pointed them down a hallway to a door that was marked with a big sign on it that said obviously, DOG in big bright red letters. Smiling at her he took her hand before opening the door. "Ready?" This was going to be the hard part. They'd have to pick just one to take home.