"I have no idea what it is.. it doesn't come off right?" well obviously if it was a tattoo. "It's not actual ink though.. definitely not. Great. Just great.." she nodded her head and passed Edward over to her husband when he got back with both Pepper and the other Tony. It was a little surreal seeing him there, but she shook it off. She could get over the weirdness.
"I'll figure out what's going on.. or try to.." she told him and then went to go get her medical bag from the other room and then went into the room where they had put Pepper and the other Tony. The two didn't like each other, but that didn't mean she wanted Pepper to die. "Can you tell me what happened exactly Pepper? And why.. he's reacting like that?" she looked over at Tony and then back at Pepper.
Pepper was shaking, even if she wasn't cold. "I was coming out of the hospital and then this.. woman.. she was there. She was.. she was a ghost.. I know that sounds.. but I got in her way. She grabbed me on the arm and then took me by the other arm and held me up and then just.. tossed me onto the ground. That's when this appeared.." she gestured to her feet. It was up to her knees now. "He.. the extremis virus... must be blocking.. it.. the.. whatever this is.."