November 2012

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July 2nd, 2012

[info]hufflepuppy in [info]urbanitesooc

Well hi!

I, Emily, am a newbie to this game. This, Molly, is my character. She is a Weasley and I should have introduced her days ago but I was back home for the weekend for my brother's wedding. A good time was had by all, and now I'm back (from outer space) and ready to get writing again!

So, Molly. She's 25, and was a Hufflepuff and a prefect, but not Head Girl because she's not a natural leader. She's more the middle-management type, good at supporting people and at taking instructions. She works at the Society for Distressed Witches, and volunteers with the RSPCA. She's a good hard worker with more empathy than anyone should have, and tries to get people to adopt animals. She is That Kind of Hufflepuff. She is also engaged to a muggle who she met while volunteering.

Molly is living somewhere or other in Diagon Alley, I'm not completely settled on a place yet, and she's slowly taking healing classes at the university in her lack of spare time. If you want to know more about her, you should probably read her profile!

Nice to meet those of you I don't know, and nice to see the one or two that I do! :)