Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

"There is no proof for either of us!"

Who: Karigan, Hirgon, Village People (no not the cowboy, indian, fireman and such!:P)
When: Current
Where: A village
What: Paranoia, Cha Cha Cha! Hirgon and Karigan meet again for the first time after the war.

Karigan was not having the best day of her life. In fact, as far as bad days went, it was shaping up to be one of the worse ones. She had been ambushed on the road, tied up, and carried into a village with a bag over her head by people claiming she was a spy for Mordor, and now people were arguing about whether or not to let her live or kill her. And those people were Gondorians. Her leg had been banged up in the capture process and was bleeding again, but it hurt more than it should have and smelled suspicious, even to her.

"She's got some kind of sigil," a woman said, as they were going through her bag. "I've never seen it before."

"It could mean anything," another man snapped. "Don't do anything until the Rider gets here and tells us what he thinks."
Another gift of Umbar, as you say. )
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Monday, June 16th, 2008

"I was expecting someone more... delicate."

Who: Karigan and Essam
What: Two Umbareans cross paths in Minas Tirith.
Where: King's Stables, apparently! Where the errand-horses are being kept with the knight horses.
When: After Karigan gets her mission from Aragorn, before The Incident.

Something tells me otherwise, 'Captain'. The woman I have heard of is hardly a...Gondorian. )
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Who: Karigan and Miriel, then Karigan and Aragorn, then Karigan and Celeborn, then Karigan and Lomea, then Karigan and Tindomiel, then Karigan and dream!child and a dream!disaster, then Karigan and Aragorn again. Yeesh.
What: Karigan gets all sorts of unwanted advice, then Lomea tries to clue her in on things, and she tries to help Tindomiel, then she takes a nap and ends up in a disaster movie. Then she does something very clever and freaky to wake up. Then she yells at Aragorn for awhile, before calming down and being given something to do.
Where: Minas Tirith and Dreamland.

Last time this happened, was a good twenty years ago. Gobbled up all the land except this hill, and we sat here three days before the water receded. )
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Monday, June 9th, 2008

What: More evil
When: Immediately after the Breaking of Karigan

...it means that you do what you want to even when it's hard and it would be easier to give up and do what other people want you to. )
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Who: Aragorn and Karigan
What: Karigan BREAKS
Where: Dreamland
When: last night!

if you knew me you would know never to say that name around me. )
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WHo: Karigan and Aragorn, and real!Aragorn
What: More dreammindfucking <3
When: Two nights ago!

I do. I find it extremely suspicious. How can I forget three years of my life? )
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Friday, June 6th, 2008

Who: Karigan and Aragorn. Kinda
What: Mindfuck!
Where: Dreamscape and Real World
When: After talking with Beru possibly?

We are not in a relationship. I am not your wife. )
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Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Who: Karigan, Beruthiel

What: All about spell-casting, Umbar, witches, and history. A the location of a certain necklace happens to pop up in here, too. <3

When: Presentish.

Where: Minas Tirith, corridor, after Karigan's escape from the King's USTness. J/k. Mebbeh. Except King probably does have UST with the quills he writes wif an' stuffs.

Why: ...I don't know why I keep adding it. But it's one o' those W words that I just compulsively have to add cuz the other three always come before it and STOP STARING AT ME.

Things are stirring, in your blood. )

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Who: Karigan and Aragorn
What: Karigan arrives!

...don't let her take me, I don't want to go back. )
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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Who: Karigan, Tindomiel, Miriel, Zaira, Minulziran, assorted npcs of varying natures
What: Escape! Black Magic! Pile o'naked and wet women!
Where: Somewhere on the Anduin, West of Pelargir.

Wilhelm Scream )
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Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Who: Miriel, Tindomiel, Zaira, and Knocked!Out!Karigan
What: Bad things! Zigureth's people have napped people! Boromir? Will have cow. <3 Miriel gets all queenly and in charge <3
Where: The Anduin

I've drowned before, it isn't so bad )
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Sunday, June 1st, 2008

Who: Aragorn and Karigan, and briefly, Ghost Lomea
What: Karigan's heritage awakens! She brings a map with runes on it!
Where: Aragorn's OFfice
When: An hour or so after Denethor left. Allowing enough time for Aragorn to have a brief talk with Faramir re: some of the stuff Denethor told him, before Faramir and Beru visit in an upcoming log. XD

If it's dangerous, the danger is deeper than you know, for I have copied many spells for preservation and might speak them accidentally or copy them to paper with new disaster. )
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Who: Aragorn and Denethor. Briefly Karigan and Ghost!Lomea
What: Arguing! Wordifyingness! Talking ill of the dead! Bluffs!
Where: Aragorn's office
When: Uh, this morning mebbe?

You never even apologized for taking her in my own bed. )
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Who: Karigan, Aragorn, a ghost, a healer
What: A ghost gives Karigan a warning, and Karigan gives Aragorn ideas on how to destroy the evil power gem!
Where: Minas Tirith
when: After The ithi/Aragorn log

I do not see ghosts, do you understand? )
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Sunday, May 25th, 2008

Who: Karigan and Haladreth
What: Advice seeking, and terrible relevations!
Where: Minas Tirith Citadel.

One of Elessar's many kin, I take it. )
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Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Who: Karigan and Aragorn
What: A murder, a clue, and some chatter. Also. UST. ARagorn has UST with everyone. I swear there was some with DENETHOR

CSI - Minas Tirith )
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Who: Aragorn and Karigan
What: Stopping drinking (or trying to) and offering of jobs
When: massive back log >.> A few weeks ago XD

Did you not get the memo? )
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Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Who: Denethor, Boromir, Karigan

What: a ghostly visitation and lil' seeds o' doubt an' wariness are planted. Aww, watch 'em start to take root an' grow! <333 Oh. And stable-rebuilding talk, with Karigan, so now he has stuff to do...which pretty much encompasses throwing a bunch of coins at the problem. Luckily, he has the coins to do so. <3

When: Present!

Where: Minas Tirith, citadel.

Why: Plllppbblllt!

Hear me out, Boromir, there are words I ought to say. )

Sunday, May 11th, 2008

who: Karigan and Aragorn
What: Discussion of beauty and happiness? And threats!
Where: Citadel!
When: After Boromir arrived!

Yes mother. )
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Sunday, April 13th, 2008

"You're not in my head?"

Who: Hirgon and Karigan
When: Before Hirgon was sent to Dol Amroth
Where: The Citadel
What: Old friends meet again, catch up on events and come to an arrangement
You were always my favorite rider. Aside myself, of course. )
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