Monday, June 16th, 2008

Who: Maglor, Elrond

What: Very uncomfortable talk about past and present things, which immediately followed after the incident, ie - picks up right where the end of that log left off.

I a mortal might say...extremely cranky. )

Who: Aragorn, Khamul, Boromir, Galadriel, Haladreth, Ithiriel, Maglor, Elrond!NPC, Faramir, Celeborn, Eomer, Eothain, a crapload of Rohirrim, The Twins, Miriel, Arwen, Khamul's Witch, Assorted Guards, Rangers and Pages, Caranthir, Feanor. Also mentions of Imrahil and the Knights of Dol Amroth doing stuff that the SariKari can fill in later to their hearts content <3.


Where: All over (and under) Minas Tirith!

Please forgive spelling errors >.>

Aragorn was not in his office .... )
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Why are you here, and doing chores, and being watched by Artanis?

Who: Ithiriel, Maglor
What: Ithiriel fills Maglor in on what happened while he was gone, and why Galadriel's looking after her.
When: Directly after This log

Some things happened which have changed my priorities around )
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

witch-fight n' more!

Who: Maglor, a fire-witch, Feanor, Caranthir, Gladharil, Galadriel, Ithiriel, Aragorn, Celeborn, Boromir/Miriel (for just a blip, each), a lembas-addicted horse, and a self-destructive bridge.

What: The witch is found just outside of Pelargir, actually! So this all takes place within about nearly 3 days time, travel time condensed for your reading pleasure. Obviously Feanorians = not v. talky during fighting, but prefer to get down to the messy business and be done with it. Swords are brought back. Then, there's a itsy bitsy mini-debate over what to do with the swords, resulting in...hammers slipping. A horse stares...helpfully. Galadriel gets healy AND pissy.

status: mega-log, now complete!

Yer tall as fuck? )

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

Who: Caranthir, Maglor, Feanor
What: Going away gifts! And emotion gasp!
Where: Caranthir and Feanor's innroom.

....and I'll try not to disappoint either of you. )
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Why do you always come to my door with full hands?

Who: Maglor, Ithiriel
What: Discussions, and a leavetaking.
When: Today!
Where: Minas Tirith

You speak even less of your past loves, than you have about your family. )
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Friday, June 13th, 2008

We are not enemies, Maglor.

Who: Arwen, Galadriel, Celeborn, Maglor, and a bunch of NPC's of various ages and cruelty.
What: Oh gosh. Arwen worries over her grandmother, then said grandmother and grandfather go hunting down a certain harp playing Noldo.... much serious discussion follows, and jewels are played hot potato with.
When: Present!
Where: Minas Tirith
Warning: This log? Is a very huge log.

Merely, consider that more paths are open than one. )
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Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Who: Ithiriel, Maglor

What: Ice Sword Duels and Fell Tea-Kettles! Oh, and talk about sailing. F0 rlz.

When: After the sword is finished, sometime around when Galadriel went on her walk and ran into a knife Khamul.

Why have you not sailed, also? )

Who: Feanor, Maglor, Caranthir, Faramir...gosh, if I missed anyone else? sorreh. <3
What: Teh gem = teh done! Prettyriffic sword is made, Caranthir gets caught naked for a mo, talk? happens.

When: The morning after Feanor and Maglor climbed up ze mountainsiiiiiiiide! Whee!

Notes: badly edited like whoa. I'll fix it later. Ish.


The librarians grew tired of me.

Who: Ithiriel, Maglor
What: confessions, maps are gone over, more confessions... and kitchen bugs!
When: During the log posted previous.
Where: Ithiriel's house, Minas Tirith.

I still would like to hear that language raised in joy, instead of lament. )
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Maglor is getting impatient

Who: Feanor, Caranthir, Maglor, Ithiriel, A hideously garbed Outfitter, Faramir, Miriel (briefly), ... other people I may be forgetting.
What: Log of DOOM. Swords are worked on, some sold, discussions, very pink leathers... there is a mountain trip, and bugs that aren't really in Ithiriel's kitchen, and... just lots of stuff.
When: Before, After, and During the next log. Yesterday.
Where: ... Everywhere, Minas Tirith.

I could do without the staring, oogling, and catcalling. )
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Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

Who: Caranthir, Maglor

What: A little visit in the healing houses, with talk about not causing witchy catastrophes and family and bets, and a gift is bestowed. Oh Caranthir, you're so closet!mushy. *squee!* <3

When: Present, so that means its after the talk with Faramir and Beruthiel, obtaining the gemstone, and after Maglor returned to Ithiriel's house. Phew!

Where: Houses of Healing

Perhaps I've grown attached. Curse this body. )

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Its Maglor, and I did not bring my moose with me.

Who: Ithiriel, Maglor
What: More talk of feelings that they swear aren't forming yet! And the gem is tucked away for safekeeping.
When: Right after the log previous.
Where: .... :D
Note: Part 3 of 3!

You hardly take care of yourself, either. We are quite a pair. )
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*looks up from book ... thinks this tale is CRAPPY, by the way*

Who: Feanor, Maglor, Ithiriel, and one flamingly gay shopkeeper.
What: Dad Lectures, ways to get aforementioned gem are pondered, thrown out, coins are 'borrowed', shopping fun!
When: Riiight after the previous log.
Where: Minas Tirith is where it's ate.
Note: Part 2 of 3!

... why yes, I think I would LOVE to eat a stinky piece of meat on a stick. )
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Maybe it should be nieces. This family has far too much testosterone.

Who: Caranthir, Feanor, Maglor, Aragorn, Beruthiel, Faramir. (and the kitchen sink)
What: oi... uhm. Maggie!teasing about Ithiriel, then metal and a Witch is sought out, discussions, good news, and bad news.
When: Yesterday.
Where: uh.... where else would we be?
Note: 1 of 3 parts.

...king, it is I, Maglor, and...I have bring a...moose...with me. )
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Sunday, June 8th, 2008

So do you think you might consider handing me a towel?

Who: Ithiriel, Maglor
What: Happy fun bath time, followed by confessions, regrets, and.... then some happy glowy warm fuzzy stuff.
When: Right after the previous log with Caranthir, Feanor, Maglor, et al.
Where: Minas Tirith!

Blame can not be on either of them, entirely, without being placed on me, also. )
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Who: Caranthir, Feanor, Maglor, Aragorn, Ithiriel, and Legolas for a split-second <3

What: Maglor seeks out and finds his father and brother...err...yes, father and an inn. And thus ensues Happy Fun Time Family Reunion Time(tm) continues! Which ends in the Houses of Healing. Technically, though, its not the ENDING, since...well, Aragorn gets to meet Feanor finally and there's talky bits. :D

When: Day after the happy fun time family reunion in Osgiliath.

Where: Minas Tirith, in various...places.

Why: Amusement!

Do not mind him, he has discovered that ale does odd things to mortal bodies. )

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

Who: Feanor, Caranthir, Maglor, Ithiriel, Aragorn, Gladharil

What: happy fun time family reunion! except...nots really. XD

Where: Osgiliath rubble, then in Minas Tirith.

When: Presentish?

What the fuck is that depressing harping? )
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