Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Who: Galadriel, Elrohir, Celeborn, Arwen and Aragorn
What: getting supplies and stuffs! And rohir gets a mission!
When: BEFORE aragorn goes to the first circle sick area!

Is this a sneaky ranger trick? )
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Monday, April 7th, 2008

Who: Galadriel, Celeborn and Arwen
What: Celeborn sends off a missive for Elvish healers, then they tend to Arwen
When: Before Galadriel sent that message to Boromir
Notes: Muses need to stop pulling crap on their own! XD

I go out ONE time without my mittens and shawl....  )
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Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Who: Everyone in Minas Tirith

What: Khamul Raids Minas Tirith. There are asplosions! Hobbit teamwork! Noldor!badassedness! Fires!

When: Whenever!

Khamul's timing could not be more perfect - Boromir was with Miriel and the King in Osgiliath doing a survey, leaving the strongest of the rulers of Gondor away.

That really only left the elves as a threat, and he intended to be in and out before he was noticed. Their presense was almost enough to cause him to hesitate, but he was headstrong, and confident. And he had a clear goal!

I do not recall that Palantir belonging to you, Nazgul. Nor will we allow you to simply take it. )
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Sunday, January 13th, 2008

The veils are thin, all of them, but only certain players return

Who: Galadriel and Celeborn, brief appearance by Arwen
What: Celeborn returns! There is discussion about the wraith problem and what it all means! Gally doesn't particularly bother being cryptic, because she knows Celeborn won't put up with her shit. XD
Where: Minas Tirith
When: Some days after Celeborn vs Khamul

Galadriel walked gracefully, yet swiftly, from the drawers in her rooms to her pack, back and forth, folding as she went. She had always gotten into the habit of unpacking when she arrived somewhere, no matter how long the stay, though at least in this case the departure was rather unexpected, and most of her things were remaining behind. In the background, Arwen watched her, child in her arms. "Are you certain you wish to do this?"

Galadriel stopped, mid-pace, and nodded her head. "He has been gone too long, and I fear something has befallen him. We are often parted, and this would not be the first time I have had such a feeling, but I am not above worrying."

He cannot be slain, though I pierced his heart. One must destroy that which binds him first. )
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Saturday, January 12th, 2008

Who: Celeborn, Khamul and Tahirah
What: Uhm..THEY MADE ME WRITE THIS AT 4AM! With apologies and certain credits to Jessi, namely a certain poem XD Khamul insisted! Tahirah totally slips up and lets out some information!
Where: Khand
When: God knows?

Celeborn had tracked the wraith for weeks now, across the Anduin and into Mordor itself. A desolate land of volcanic rock and steaming vents, the remnants of an Age of corruption in every cragged rock. Past the settlements that Aragorn had granted the slaves of Mordor, where they could still grow food and reclaim the land from darkness. And farther still, south and East, until he rode across a fertile plain, grass clawing out of the snow in some places, and the faint promise of flowers in spring.

The wraith was joined by others at some point, and that made tracking him the easier. At last, overlooking a wide river, Celeborn found his prey, "What game is it you play?"

There are two kinds of magics. Those that work with the world, weaving and working and joining with and within it, and those that work against the very order of nature. The latter always bites back, but nothing of this scale...the bite will be harsh indeed, and though Arda may heal herself, the scars will remain for some time. )
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Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

"Iavawen I would call you ... autumn maiden."

Who: Elladan, Elrohir, Celeborn, Wulfred, Feorcwen.
What: They discover Khamul escapes, Celeborn arrives, and other fun things.
When: A few days after the wraith-burning!
Where: Aldburg, Rohan.

Does it bring ill tidings? )
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Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

"You did not want me to return?"

Who: Celeborn and Galadriel
What: Gally re-returns! Tis our app!
Where: Lorien!
When: Uh. Sometime?

All the forests are quiet now, and the trees echo with the voices of our passage here.. )
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