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Thursday, June 5th, 2008
Who: Faramir, Beruthiel

What: Umm...the cat queen gets a new name, 'how to keep ghosts out of rooms 101', and 'how are these people getting away with not having actual weddings?'

When: a couple days after the shizz went down in Aragorn's office, with Boromir and Faramir. The day that Denethor and Faramir talked.

Where: Faramir's room, citadel.

Notes/Warnings: smut? was getting skimmed thru in ze beginning and then ultimately got snipped out onto the editing room floor. <3

I am not sleeping with women on a whim. I am sleeping with A woman who I care about very deeply. )

Who: Ziggy and Tindomiel
What: Testing during dreams.
where: Dreamland!

is delicious and sweet and the best orange ever. is so good no orange will ever compare to it )
Who: Caranthir, Feanor, Umbarean!NPC and a ton of Easterlings
What: Returns! Horrible returns! And girlyness.
Where: Far to the East
When: Recently!

Nay, SON. .... ... Daughter ..... KIN OF MINE, which I will claim, even if at the moment I wish to slay you myself! )

current mood: pissed off
current music: The sound of my 'father' nagging me.
Who: Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Beruthiel

What: A letter is delivered (and read :0), talk of how to deal with Umbar...talk of weddings, Boromir's latest excuse not to get wedded/have children, and there's even more about office ghosts...oh, and nephews are demanded, too...which sends Faramir off in search of his wife for a bit of a discussion about that children stuff. *blinkus* Of course, after THAT, hi, there's a little dream-reading thing that happens and its about shiny stones and the elf that made them. *coughcoughs* Lots o' stuff, oui? *le points* I am not responsible for eye-strain!

When: Last night more or less, after aaaaaaall the other stuff that's been posted, yus.

Where: Minas Tirith, o' course.

Why: cuz they gots yammery. <3

Notes/Warnings: v. skimmed thru smut, so watered down, it hardly has any flavor left to it. But the HELL if this log needed to be any longer, so am happy wif it like whoa...or they would've been fast-forwarded by moi based on ze grounds o' over-indulgence. :D

Is it foul news or is it welcome news? I prefer the foul news first, so that it is over and done with...and by the 'morrow, I can be ready to hear the welcome news. )

Who: Boromir, Denethor

What: Talk about fathers, ghost wardings, younger brother/son, witch-wives, and marriage. Yes, Boromir finally entertains the prospect, with seriousnessness. FINALLY. Omgz, thickskulled ox man.

When: Presentish.

Where: Minas Tirith

Why: everlasting gobstoppers...they're teeth-chippin' good? Why does Willie Wonka never get SUED? That's a better question than 'WHY' innit?

A little bit of eavesdropping is inevitable. )

Who: Karigan, Beruthiel

What: All about spell-casting, Umbar, witches, and history. A the location of a certain necklace happens to pop up in here, too. <3

When: Presentish.

Where: Minas Tirith, corridor, after Karigan's escape from the King's USTness. J/k. Mebbeh. Except King probably does have UST with the quills he writes wif an' stuffs.

Why: ...I don't know why I keep adding it. But it's one o' those W words that I just compulsively have to add cuz the other three always come before it and STOP STARING AT ME.

Things are stirring, in your blood. )

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