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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
Who: Karigan, Tindomiel, Miriel, Zaira, Minulziran, assorted npcs of varying natures
What: Escape! Black Magic! Pile o'naked and wet women!
Where: Somewhere on the Anduin, West of Pelargir.

Wilhelm Scream )
1:06a - Your eye is going to be horribly bruised by tomorrow.
Who: Aragorn and Arwen
What: Queenly advice, nose mendage, and further reconcilation. Also. Decision!
Where: Aragorn's Office
When: After the Brothers/Aragorn/Beru log, and before that report was sent to Boromir

There are parts of me that miss being Strider, I think. )
Who: Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir
What: Rumble in the Office, part 2 - sekrits revealed! Hurtiness and resignations (definitely/maybe/almost/possibly) happens.

When: After the report was sent and after Arwen visited Aragorn earlier.

Where: Citadel, Minas Tirith

Notes: Probably poorly edited, given the ungodly hour it is. *sighs*

Yes, Boromir, perhaps we should enlighten us all. )

Who: Faramir, Beruthiel

What: Faramir goes to Beruthiel for a bit of a surprising little talk about what happened. Plus more. But its cut out, gone, zip, zilch, not present...so there's no smut warning. Just before and after. *salutes!*

When: After Aragorn revealed his sekrit.

Nothing in this world is without flaws. )

Who: Denethor and Faramir
What: Talking and angst and such!
When: Day after Boromir found out..things!

I think sometimes the statues of the old kings with their bloody histories are more real to you than I am. )
Who: Zimraphel and Zigureth
What: More evil plotting of evilness
Where: Umbar
When: After they learned their cargo escaped. Somehow. Creepy bitches.

I still say he should take them all so that we have a variety. The offspring of he and Miriel alone would be the true ruler of Numenor's old holdings. With us guiding her, of course. One of the four would have to be a boy, to plant his seed in his sisters. )

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