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Thursday, December 20th, 2007
5:38a - "...you don't really want to go back, do you?"
Who: Imrahil and Dred(consider this an audition/formality bit on Sar's part :D)
Where: Dol Amroth, first Imrahil’s bedroom, then riding through the Province
When:Current with Riddermark Plotline
What: Dred likes to steal Imrahil’s clothes, Imrahil informs Dred of what’s going on, Plans are made, the Journey starts and Dred has a little bit of angst. Explains where the hell he’s been all these years too!

The weather was fine in Dol Amroth. The recent snow had melted first into a slush, then away completely. Streets were bare except in dark shady corners where thin layers of ice clung to the street cobbles in thin layers. But the sun was bright overhead, the sky a brilliant blue. Imrahil, however, was in no mood to think of the weather other than it should not hinder his speed today. He strode down the hall of his home towards his bedroom, throwing open the door and throwing off his cloak simultaneously, preparing to don his kit of war. Only there was someone else there, and this unexpected interruption stopped him suddenly, so that he stood in his doorway and stared.

Dred couldn't really put into words why it was he felt the need to still invade Imrahil's supply of clothing, even years later, whenever he ran out of his own clean things to wear and was currently engaged in wars with the laundry. Well no, that actually was a fairly good reason why he was doing it, coupled with the fact that Amrothos was far far too thin for any of his clothes to be a possibility which might have made slightly more sense. After all, Amrothos wasn't here right now was he? Dred supposed he could have gone out to buy something but it wasn't as if he had that much money to work with here. Being a noble in exile in a city where he had no useful skills to trade for anything and hardly any money to his name (and that borrowed from Imrahil, to be extracted from Éomer at some later date) made that sort of thing harder to work around. So he borrowed things instead, which at the moment consisted of the tunic he was wearing and a pair of breeches he was eyeing speculatively. They'd be a bit too long was the problem here, but Dred DID have boots to hide the fact.
you might as well take down the chainmail suit and the heavy surcoat. )
5:09p - "If I were a wraith, where would I hide?"
Who: Elladan, Elrohir, Khamul, Wulfred, and a brief appearance by Feorcwen!
What: A certain wraith is set on fire, and other things.
When: A bit after the battle in Rohan.
Where: The Eastfold!

You have made my brother's *year*, you realise. He's been dying to set you afire ever since we left Imladris. )
Who: Imrahil and Aragorn
What: Discussing tehsplodey of Umbar and rescuing their spies
When: Day after the battle at Edoras.
Where: Rohan

The Prince of Dol Amroth sought out the king of Gondor after the battle. He was weary, and his beautiful heavy blue tunic was still dark with blood. Still, those of his knights scattered about the camp stood up when he passed, for all their weariness as well. Exhaustion had dimmed none of Imrahil's strange magnetic charisma, that caused renewed energy to surge like wildfire where he went. He was holding a little scrolled up message in one gloved hand.

Aragorn looked up upon seeing him, and stood as well, holding out his hand to greet the younger man, "You appear weary, and bring news." He dispensed with the pleasentries, treating Imrahile as an equal, as he preferred to do.

"A message from my spymaster in Dol Amroth," Imrahil said, extending the scroll. "One of my spies who managed to escape the scouring of the new queen has been spying on the citadel dungeons and has a list of Gondorians that are being held there."

Give them nightmares, Imrahil. )

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