Unleashed Fury - November 17th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Unleashed Fury

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November 17th, 2004

hmm... [Nov. 17th, 2004|02:53 pm]
[Current Mood | stressed]

Yes.No one is writing in them anymore.But I wouldn't completely quit my journal.I wouldn't delete it.Just think of it as a long vacation.I might have to come back tho.Because I need SOMETHING to at least keep myself sane.Even if I don't say much.But hey, not my fault now is it? I'm a stubborn girl.

Hair color:Naturally its a brownish color.But now its a purpleish reddish brownish, all multicolored.
Height:around 5'4
Weight: Not telling.Not until I lose MORE weight.

Just a survey that I took from my journal. )

Link1 screamed|scream

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