Future Unexpected - July 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Future Unexpected

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July 18th, 2008

[Jul. 18th, 2008|11:37 am]
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Official Ministry Owls to George Weasley, Terry Boot, Emma Dobbs, Ana Summers )
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[Jul. 18th, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Who: Orla Quirke and Terry Boot
When: Friday around noon
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies Place
What: Orla takes pictures of Terry's brooms like he asked her to.
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/In Progress

Good morning, sunshine. )
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[Jul. 18th, 2008|07:33 pm]
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Who: Lisa Turpin and Stephen Cornfoot
When: Friday around noon
Where: Stephen's flat and ?
What: Lisa seeing Stephen's flat and then shopping for a television
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/In Progress

Aren't Muggle electronics Fun? )
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