[May. 31st, 2008|10:06 am] |
Well, since our fearless leader has disappeared from the face of the planet, I haven't got anything to do for like... the next twenty years.
Anyone feel like kicking off a jam session? |
[May. 4th, 2008|10:05 am] |
I. Love. This. Universe. Hands down, bar none LOVE this world.
If this world had a body, I'd propose to it.
Marry me, weird alternate dimension! |
[Apr. 17th, 2008|10:50 pm] |
hate plants.
really really hate plants.
anyone wanna help me burn all the fuckers?
this SUCKS.
Pickles baby...... I'm at Teague's place lookin after Bren til he resurfaces. just so you know. everyone over there okay? |
[Apr. 16th, 2008|08:57 pm] |
Okay, so, this is just fucked up. I was out in the yard, and there was this... tornado thing? And now I'm suddenly in an entirely different dorm, a school one, and apparently I'm majoring in botany.
I didn't know you could major in botany!
Seriously people, what the hell is going on here? |
[Apr. 9th, 2008|09:46 pm] |
Okay, I've finally gotten bored with getting my ass whooped at drinking games by my older self.
I need to do some real drinking. Anyone know a good bar that's far, FAR away from England? |
[Mar. 31st, 2008|07:22 pm] |
Hello people!
So, uh, thanks to me being preggo and my will-be father liking sweets way more than is normal, I've got a metric boatload of cookies. Chocolate chip shortbreads with emote faces stamped on them.
No, seriously, it's a lot. A damn lot. We were at it most of the weekend because, well, we just were, okay?
But they're free to a good home! Drop me a line, let me know how many you'd like, we'll work something out after that. |
[Mar. 27th, 2008|12:20 pm] |
I'm watchin' a thing on a haunted house! Actually right now I'm watchin' a commercial for Bowflex. More like blow-flex am I right?
But yeah. AWESOME television these days. I'm totally into having over 900 channels. |
locked from the older Belle |
[Mar. 22nd, 2008|11:49 am] |
Owww. Ow ow ow.
First I go into intensive training to unleash my inner badass. Which is actually pretty cool, even if it is exhausting.
But now there's another me here?
I think the world might be in unspeakable peril. |
[Mar. 20th, 2008|09:41 pm] |
Rock 'n' roll french fries
This should really be a real food. I mean, I thought this up once when I was on tour and y'know, it shouldn't be that hard to just call 'em rock 'n' roll french fries. Just like... always.
Y'know, just to make 'em more cool. |
[Mar. 10th, 2008|04:03 am] |
Effin' finally. I was about to start worrying.
[Mar. 9th, 2008|10:52 pm] |
Man, all the free drinks in the world still can't beat having a penis. I want the latter back now.
[Mar. 9th, 2008|04:37 pm] |
Dude. What. The. Hell.
That was effin' brutal.
Er... Guys? Jokes over now. Come on out. |
[Mar. 8th, 2008|01:14 am] |
My effin' boyfriend bought me a whole new wardrobe fer the change but er... I mean, as much as I appreciate the sentiment? Er...
It's all slut clothes. Thanks a heap, Tony. Now I feel cheap. >:(
I'm gunna go out and sulk into a bottle of schnapps. |
[Mar. 6th, 2008|07:15 pm] |
Fuck. |
[Mar. 6th, 2008|04:21 pm] |
Zira, you are definitely missing out here.
This is a fantastic opportunity you're just ignoring.
Screw it. Anyone else want to fuck a sexy demon? |
[Mar. 6th, 2008|01:43 pm] |
I managed not to turn into a chick! Hahahahaha!
Ah hell.
Spoke too soon. |
[Mar. 5th, 2008|09:14 pm] |
I forgot what a gorgeous man I am.
I'm thinking after this fades, I might just bring it out of the repertoire every so often. |
[Feb. 29th, 2008|02:34 am] |
Call out to all guitarists in the greater London area:
We need you. Especially if you don't suck. We might just need one of you, depending on if my bassist wants to be a bassist or a guitarist, due to the fact that he's found himself... well, he's a famous guitarist now, let's put it that way.
Call out to Nathan Explosion: If you still want a band that doesn't suck massive balls (I've heard your album, it stinks, only good thing about it was you - effin' brutal, dude.) I'm workin' on one.
Call out to anyone else who may or may not know who the hell I am? Er... Dudes. What's up? Me an' Tony are chillin' in Shit-town London, wonderin' where all our bros are at. |
[Feb. 28th, 2008|09:52 pm] |
( Connie? )
I went away for a while. How is everybody?
Oh. And hi, new people! Hi. |
[Feb. 27th, 2008|11:57 am] |
Dear lord.
It's like walking in on my own life except with more pizza and less music involved.
Hey Nathan (Explosion), Thanks for the hangover, I appreciate it. |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|11:02 pm] |
...all right.
Pretty sure that it'd be stupid to complain or something. But! I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to be dead. |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|10:41 pm] |
I taught Roxy how to sit today. She's such a good puppy, and really smart too.
I'm thinking I should work on speak next, but I'm out of treats.
( God ) |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|08:46 pm] |
Oh dude. This is... really not effin' cool.
Hey, I'm Pickles and I er... I'm sorta new. And confused.
Is this some sort of bad trip? |