[Jan. 22nd, 2012|08:49 am] |
Candy! Daddy! Ry! Lookit me!
Hello, to the rest of the world! It's a girl! |
[Dec. 28th, 2011|08:43 pm] |
All I wanted for Christmas was to get bigger like Rye.
I hate being a kid. I'm ready to grow up! |
[May. 20th, 2011|06:27 pm] |
I don't know what we feed Corrin, but wow, he sure is really good at pooping. I mean, if there was an award for Best Baby Crap? He'd win. |
[Mar. 26th, 2011|11:11 am] |
I like being pregnant, but this whole not being able to move around thing? Sucks. I hate feeling like a damsel and having everyone do things for me. |
[Feb. 6th, 2011|10:05 pm] |
Holy shit I'm married. I - yeah, uh. I really like my new last name better than Quackenbush, just saying. |
[Jan. 3rd, 2011|07:46 pm] |
( Private. )
I'm so tired all the time, it sucks. I really wish I could do more things around the house, but I keep sleeping too much. |
[Dec. 4th, 2010|03:15 pm] |
Well, at least it's not just me. |
[Nov. 11th, 2010|04:26 pm] |
I figured I'd make an official post so everyone knows, and not just a few people. Eliot and I are pregnant. I'm really excited, and the doctor says I'm about two months along. I'm due on Apr 24 of next year. I'm reading a bunch of baby books now, and seriously, they really seem to make it like everything is going to kill me or something. (And yes, I quit smoking and drinking. Duh.) |
[Jun. 16th, 2010|08:56 pm] |
Rye, Ash, I have an idea. Do you guys want to go to a real castle today and get real princess dresses? Eliot could probably use a day to himself. |
[Jun. 4th, 2010|08:06 pm] |
When I return from Hong Kong, I'm going to get a dog. |
[Jun. 2nd, 2010|07:54 pm] |
I want to see my dad. |
[Jun. 1st, 2010|02:30 am] |
[ | Tags | | | ageless bill turner, ashley mcdonald, belle, calliope sedant, drusilla, emmett cullen, erik northman, lindsey mcdonald, natalie kelly, rosalie hale, spike | ] |
Oh, bloody hell.
I'm bloody sparkling!
This is just a whole new level of wrong. |
[May. 29th, 2010|08:15 pm] |
Sam! Sam!
Eliot says we can get a puppy! Me and Riley get to pick it! Will you come dog shopping with us? |
[May. 13th, 2010|02:58 pm] |
I wish it wasn't raining today. I want to see the horses again! |
[May. 11th, 2010|08:16 pm] |
Anybody know how to make pancakes? I want pancakes for dinner. I have a box of that stuff that you make pancakes from, but I don't know how to do it.
( Angel )
( Sam ) |
[May. 7th, 2010|07:17 pm] |
Hi. I'm Ash.
I'm looking for my mom. Her name is Nancy McDonald. Or maybe my dad, his name is Lindsey. |
[May. 7th, 2010|09:37 am] |
( Iggy )
Total needs a bath. |