[Apr. 1st, 2012|11:10 pm] |
Hmm. I've been given a promotion. Clearly the person I replaced, while in a job function similar to mine, was not similar in productivity.
Isabela, Jack, Jacky, we're going out for dinner tonight when I get home. |
[Jan. 25th, 2012|02:51 pm] |
( Jack Hotchner )
Right. Husband. If Jack gives his okay, you're coming with me to Suva, in Fiji, for the finals of my poker tournament. Five days in the sun will do you a world of good. |
[Jan. 17th, 2012|03:15 pm] |
So, El won't be having wine with dinner anymore. |
[Oct. 9th, 2011|04:38 pm] |
Bloody hell, I had to do some fast thinking to come up with a "maiden name" for the marriage license! Why did no one tell me there'd be a marriage license? I must've looked like an idiot. Anyway. Rather happy now. Just wanted to thank all you lot who came to the ceremony and the party. Sebastian, thank you so much. It was ... wonderful, all of it.
And now, it was a lovely time, but now, if anyone wants me or Aaron for the next week or so, they can, with my great love and appreciation, piss right off.
( ooc ) |
[Oct. 8th, 2011|12:01 am] |
I thought I'd be a lot more nervous, but I'm really not. I'm just excited. |
[Sep. 29th, 2011|12:13 pm] |
I figured I would say hello to everyone; I am sorry I've not been much for chatting or talking, but having two little ones dancing around and kicking my bladder with irritating regularity doesn't make me social. I've a month or so to go, and I love my girls (and my husband, goes without saying), but having twins is bloody awful. If you've never done it, well, don't.
( Agent Hotchner ) |
[Sep. 21st, 2011|04:26 pm] |
I think I should hire a wedding planner or something. I'm not very good at this. There seems to be a lot more to do in terms of arrangements than there was last time I did it.
Edit; Sebastian, I have a favor to ask of you. |
[Aug. 27th, 2011|06:32 pm] |
Alistair, are we still on for next week, right? I'm thinking pizza this time. |
[Aug. 18th, 2011|11:49 am] |
You know, I've been here a week, and it's honestly not that terrible. Ell and I have a bigger house, Satchmo keeps flirting with the dog next door, and I'm a unit chief now. It's almost like this dream I had once, except Caffrey's here with me. |
[Aug. 1st, 2011|11:35 pm] |
( Penelope )
Right. Um. Thought you all might want to know. Aaron asked me to marry him, and I've said yes. So look for wedding invites at some point? I'm not about to do anything very fancy, and I'm certainly not wearing white, before anyone asks. But I sort of ... wanted to let you all know. You're my mates. |
[Jul. 23rd, 2011|08:47 pm] |
...Okay, apparently whoever I replaced divorced someone a year or so ago. He keeps sending me creepy messages.
Is it okay for me to set him on fire if he doesn't stop? Waking up to yet another text that says 'come on, baby, one more chance!' may make me crack. |
[Jun. 14th, 2011|12:12 pm] |
Captains Sparrow and Bonney, we set sail for Bermuda on Thursday, six bells. Does that suit? I've been looking at maps and it looks as though the best route is Freeport-Bermuda-the Azores-Gibraltar. Your port of call is Freeport.
Jack Hotchner, your port of call is Gibraltar. I'm in command of Gypsy, so I'm the only one who's allowed to have you keelhauled if you get stuck in the rigging. Wink wink.
( Aaron )
Edited to add: ( Aaron (again) ) |
[Jun. 10th, 2011|07:35 pm] |
Isabela, I hope you enjoy your gifts. They're on the Gypsy. |
[Jun. 2nd, 2011|08:19 pm] |
This is not right. |
[Jun. 2nd, 2011|06:16 pm] |
I did not do that. Hawke? |
[May. 20th, 2011|12:52 am] |
Varric, for your stat-keeping (if you still do it), this is what I've gotten up to today:
Number of people punched: 15. Number of pants set on fire: 20. Random threats of violence: a lot. Mostly to tone-deaf people.
Does this mean I need help, or does it just mean I need to take out my frustration on something somehow? I kinda miss knocking criminals' heads together with Aveline, if that means anything. |
[May. 18th, 2011|02:50 pm] |
Right. I know I made a twat of myself in front of at least two men last night; were there any others I can add to the total? Just making sure. I don't think I owe anyone apologies, but if I do, consider them tendered. I haven't really been proper blotto in a bit.
( Varric )
( Penelope ) |
[voice post] |
[May. 17th, 2011|08:39 pm] |
( Hotchner ) |
[Apr. 27th, 2011|09:31 pm] |
I never had any idea that there were such things as houses that floated, but this is a start. I present my brand new houseboat. It's in the harbor at Nassau for now. You're all invited to take the tour. One of you in particular. |
Locked from Isabela |
[Apr. 17th, 2011|09:04 pm] |
I have ... a date. Of sorts.
I have no idea how to dress for this. |
[Apr. 16th, 2011|10:44 pm] |
... this place again? I guess I'll have to find the same apartment and see if it's open. Jack liked the proximity to his school.
I suppose it would be too much to ask for if I hoped that someone I know from home is still here? |
[Aug. 7th, 2010|06:41 am] |
I'm lining up interviews for a nanny. I already have a couple of people lined up as babysitters, but I'd need someone on call since my job takes me away frequently. Jack is four, very intelligent, and actually prefers being on a schedule.
Please let me know if you're interested. |
[Aug. 6th, 2010|01:38 pm] |
So apparently I replaced an SIS agent.
With a security clearance so high I basically have to kill myself if I remember I have it.
This is weird. |
[Aug. 3rd, 2010|07:28 am] |
There's severe penalties for abduction of FBI agents. Normally I'd be upset, but who would kidnap me and my son, much less put us in a really nice apartment?
In London? |