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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Mar. 25th, 2009|08:05 pm]

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As pleased as I am to have gotten breakfast in bed - and so beautifully arranged - I'd much rather know where I am and when I am.

At least I woke up with my ring.

Brother, are you here? Are we playing hide and seek?
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[Mar. 25th, 2009|04:33 pm]
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Hot chocolate, aspirin and a hot bath work miracles..

Those purifiers may've been idiots with a deathwish, but they had some muscle..

All's the pity it wasn't the sort in their head..

Johanna, are you okay?
Get any good meals?
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[Mar. 14th, 2009|09:24 pm]

I need to go out for some dinner. Who'd like to come with me?
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[Mar. 10th, 2009|10:11 pm]
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Once again I find myself rather bored. It's my own fault, really, I ought to get out more on my own, and sometimes I do, I just haven't as of late.

Would anyone care to accompany me on a walk? Either through New York or old London, I know them both fairly well.
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[Feb. 5th, 2009|02:10 pm]

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Five days, twelve hours, thirty-four minutes, eleven seconds. A new personal best.

I'm well pleased with myself. How are my friends? My darling daughter?
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|07:03 pm]
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The weather is starting to go warmer, not that it matters much to me either way, really, but it will be nice when things begin to bloom again, everything's always... brighter then, even people and I think I shall quite enjoy that.

For now however, it is still rather cold, and I find myself with little enough to occupy my time, I could paint, but I rather haven't got the focus for it at the moment, and I certainly haven't got the focus for needlepoint either.

So if anyone has suggestions on what I might do to keep myself busy I should quite like to hear them.
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[Jan. 25th, 2009|06:31 pm]

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Nicholas. We're going out tonight.

Johanna. )

Miss Delirium. )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|10:41 pm]
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I find it almost disturbing just how quickly and how easily I've taken to caring for Calliope while ... well, while she's not herself.

Even so I still need to take care of myself as well, which I haven't been doing as well as I should, all things considered. That said, I feel like going for a walk, would anyone care to join me?
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[Jan. 18th, 2009|12:03 am]

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i'm scared.
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[Jan. 4th, 2009|05:33 pm]
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So I've mostly finished with my current project, but now I've got to wait for the current layer of paint to dry before I can add any details.

Of course, this process leaves me with some time on my hands and very little to do with it, which in turn leaves me rather bored.

Would anyone care to go for a walk with me?
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[Jan. 3rd, 2009|04:25 pm]
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To new beginnings.

Vampires Only )
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|11:28 am]
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I have discovered something marvelous.

This something is spraypaint. Or, more accurately, airbrushing. I've found that I like it rather a lot, I don't mind brushes of course, in fact they're much better for detail work than the airbrush, but it's fantastic for backgrounds and things, especially in winter scenes where everything's a bit fuzzy anyway.

I've even found one that works with compressed air cannisters instead of an actual air compressor, so much quieter and more enjoyable.
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[Dec. 19th, 2008|09:32 am]

I never much cared for the winter before, but I find it quite beautiful now, everything sparkles, even at night, perhaps especially at night, it's almost, almost enough to make me believe that it's truly magic.

I also don't mind the cloudy weather, makes going outside during the daylight hours ever so much more enjoyable, and catching meals in the daylight is far far more entertaining than waiting until after dark.
That said, would anyone like to go for a walk with me? I'm in New York at the moment, but I also know London well, and provided I have a guide I'm all for exploring new cities.
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|09:14 pm]
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Stagnation leads to boredom, and my being bored is NEVER a good thing.
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|02:36 pm]

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I think I'm going to get another cat. I miss the one I left behind in my world. Johanna, darling, would you like a kitten? I'll get the same breed that I had before.

Mmm. I'm bored. Perhaps I'll go out tonight. Nick, would you like to go?
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[Nov. 9th, 2008|05:16 pm]

Well All Hallow's was fun, but now everything's gone back to being normal and boring again.

Would anyone care to help me take my mind off it? Nothing drastic of course, a walk will do fine, or perhaps a visit, I really haven't been outside as much as I ought since All Hallow's, even though the weather's been lovely.
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[Oct. 16th, 2008|08:36 pm]

I'm thinking of going for a walk, maybe catching a light dinner.

Would anyone care to accompany me?
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[Oct. 10th, 2008|12:49 pm]

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Johanna, darling! My husband's arrived!

He'll be staying in my room, don't worry about that, dear. (He's very well behaved.) I just wanted to let you know about the bloke with the adorable Boston accent that's going to be living with us.
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[Oct. 6th, 2008|10:39 am]

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All work and no play makes me a something something. A very irritable something something. I do wish my husband would hurry and arrive here.

Johanna, darling, what would you like to do for dinner tonight? I was thinking Chinese.
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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|10:08 pm]

So I've just had a lovely dinner, and I fancy a walk. Would anyone like to escort me?
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[Sep. 25th, 2008|01:48 pm]

There's a wonderful accessory that's been invented since the last time I was walking the streets, or the last time I was anywhere, really, and it's a wonder I haven't realized it earlier, but being crepuscular-to-nocturnal would hinder this sort of discovery I suppose.

In any case: Sunglasses. I quite wish I could meet their inventor so I could shake his hand, it's ever so much more enjoyable to go outside during the day now.

Are there any other fairly recent inventions and/or accessories a young woman should know about?
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[Sep. 12th, 2008|07:42 pm]

Father )
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[Sep. 7th, 2008|05:28 pm]
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I have decided that I like evening best, I don't mind the dark, not hardly, it's home as much as anything, and I don't mind the light either, though I do find it quite garish and unflattering, evening though, evening's lovely.

Especially when the sun hasn't yet gone down completely and most things seem to glow, it really is lovely, and it's my favorite time to go walking.

Would anyone care to join me? I promise not to bite.
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[Aug. 23rd, 2008|04:49 pm]

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Johanna. )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|08:22 pm]
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I must say that this is QUITE odd, it’s like a church organ but for words instead of music, and a window like a Punch & Judy screen.

I'm not even sure how I know to work it at all, but I do. I suppose it may simply be a matter of my finally going mad, really. After all, I’ve been in bedlam for months now, and there was a storm, rattling all the windows, except that nobody else seemed to notice it.

So here I am on the other side of it, looking altogether too much like a Christmas peppermint stick in this dress, and I MUST have gone mad to be wearing it.

I don’t suppose anyone knows what’s going on do they?
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