So it's Day 3 of morning sickness, and it's really not as bad as people say it is...except when it is.
1..Being woken up by the strong urge to throw up..usually after a few heaves, it settles down to a steady nausea
bringing us point 2:..not only is there constant nausea, but it comes with a new stronger sense of smell. This doesn't help that the walk all the way to work there are so many fast food joints and stands, it's a wonder I'm not diving to the trashcans every five minutes to throw up.
point 3:...One of the things I love about working in an army base is the low ratio of male vs female personnel. Case in point, men notice that you're looking ill every time you pass the mess hall, and when you tell them why, they might give you a pitied look or congratulate you, but in general they leave you alone. Women on the other soon as they find out you're going through morning sickness, they're all over 'oohhing' and 'ahhing'
People..if you find that a woman's going through morning sickness bad enough that she throws up, saying '' congratulations' and fawning over her doesn't make her feel any better. Also, why congradulate in the first place, getting pregnant isn't that hard..and who in their right minds is happy over spending her mornings tired and sick.
If you're happy for me, great..just please say it by way of some almonds or ginger tea. They're the only things I can eat besides fruit and unsalted crackers that don't get me sick.
I don't care what you have to say about her, give Mrs. Taylor a raise..those yogurt covered almonds that she gave me are a fucking lifesaver. They're now on the list of things that my stomach won't reject and eject.